More than a few Spy readers thought it was a bit odd last week to have David Montgomery, our most politically conservative columnist, interview Democrat Jesse Colvin, who is running against Congressman Andy Harris this November. And yet many ultimately found this format a refreshing change from the more typical and sound bite-driven public forums or mainstream media interviews.
We took that as encouragement to continue our somewhat counter-intuitive approach by having David also interview Dr. Harris as well. And while it is true that their worldviews may be more aligned than with Jesse Colvin’s, Spy readers may find it surprising that Montgomery and Harris are not in agreement on many issues, including immigration and economic tariffs. Indeed, David has withheld his endorsement until he completed these interviews with both. He plans to share his final decision this week in his regular Spy column.
Once again, we are grateful to the Avalon Foundation’s MCTV for their help in producing this Spy conversation.
This video is approximately one hour in length
Willard Engelskirchen says
So, the Democrat gets to be questioned by a Republican conservative. The Republican does too. Fair and Balanced again. Some of Mr. Montgomery’s questions were answered but when the softball answers could be pursued to a harder end point, they were not.
“For the sake of full disclosure I agree with you completely.” Could you have found an interviewer who asked more difficult questions and followed them up more fully?
Dr. Harris misstates the history of the Second Amendment. I am sure Mr Montgomery understands that or has at least heard the argument. Why not challenge this? By the way, I am a gun owner and hunter.
The problem of immigrant workers – guest workers – was not solved in a prompt manner. It has not been solved.
The comment on Schumer by Montgomery was uncalled for in an interview with a Maryland congressman.
The trip to Eastern Europe never should have been scheduled at all…. much less having the congressman back out.
Dr. Harris’s opinions on Climate Change are way out of step with 98% of the scientific community. His answers are BS. He claims only our economy can find a path away from burning fossil fuels. Maybe he should take a look at Western Europe. We know, and maybe he does too, that one path leads thru electrification. But not using coal fired power plants. Not much follow up here.
Innovation and intellectual property protection sure. I worked in research in industry for 35 years.
No questions on tariffs and trade? Jobs for farmers and poultry workers. A tax increase for consumers. Come on.!!!
One can ask why things were bad under the previous administration……. but remember his predecessor brought us the Iraq war and the Great Recession.
Softball questions with unchallenged answers.
Editor says
Thanks Willard. This was never to be presented as an objective interview with Dr. Harris. Perhaps because of this reason, you were able to highlight here some major gaps in the issues covered and the responses given.