Brent Lewis
Maryland’s popular Bay to Ocean Writers Conference is pleased to announce that registration is now live for its 2020 event and the keynote speaker will be Eastern Shore writer Brent Lewis.
Lewis is the author of Bloody Point 1976, a novel published in 2015 and set in Maryland, as well as two regional history books about Kent Island. He is a native of Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
Lewis tops a diverse lineup of speakers that includes more than 25 accomplished poets, novelists, editors, and marketers. The all-day event will take place at Chesapeake College in Wyle Mills, Md. on March 7, 2020.
The conference has been helping people become better writers for more than two decades. Voted best writing conference in Maryland by readers of Writer Magazine, BTO is designed to address many aspects of the writing craft and business, tailored to those working at all levels.
“We are planning special tracks this year aimed at beginners and advanced writers,” said Kenton Kilgore, president of the Eastern Shore Writers Association. “Whether you are crafting your first poem, working on a family memoir or toiling away on your third novel, there will be something for everyone.”
The conference is sponsored by the Eastern Shore Writers Association (ESWA,) a nonprofit group dedicated to supporting writers and the literary arts across the Delmarva region. Registration and program details are available at ESWA’s website, www.easternshorewriters.org, with early bird pricing through the end of this year. The 2019 event sold out in advance, so it’s wise to register early.
Through more than two dozen workshops, the 2020 event will cover such topics as crafting dialogue and plots; ways to approach a family memoir; writing sonnets, short, “skinny” poems and Pi-ku poetry; options for publishing books; and the use of historical locations in fiction and nonfiction.
Among the instructors will be veteran novelists Gail Priest, Robert Bidinotto, and Austin Camacho; Truth Thomas, editor of The Skinny Poetry Journal; self-publishing and marketing expert Ariele Sieling; and Laura Oliver, author of a best-selling book on creative writing.
To register, visit www.easternshorewriters.org. For more information, contact ESWA at [email protected].