George Lovic Pierce Radcliffe (1877 – 1974) was a two-term U.S. Senator from the Eastern Shore whose life and civic engagement spanned nearly a century of American history from post-Civil War to Watergate. Join Chesapeake Forum on March 1st for “The Extraordinary Life and Times of Senator George Radcliffe” and learn about one of Dorchester County’s most illustrious citizens from someone who knew him well – his grandson, George Radcliffe, Jr.
Radcliffe traces the arc of his grandfather’s career across almost 100 years of United States history, from the post-Civil War period to Watergate. Senator Radcliffe worked closely with three U.S. presidents and was a senator during the post-Depression era and World War II. His life parallels many of the significant changes in our country during that period, and he stands in remarkable contrast to much of the politics of today since “Cousin George,” as most called him, was a true gentleman politician, frequently nonpartisan and always using his extensive knowledge of history to make decisions.
George Radcliffe Jr. draws from his recently published book “Call me Cousin George: A Personal Look at the Life of Sen. George L. Radcliffe to create an intimate portrait of the senator and to illuminate both national and local history. Part of the course includes a visit to the senator’s ancestral home, Spocott Farm, where he spent many years restoring a working wind mill built by his father in 1852 and destroyed in a storm.
The Extraordinary Life and Times of Senator George L. Radcliffe is three (3) sessions, Wednesdays from 10-11:30 AM. ZOOM, in-person at the Peachblossom YMCA or recording. $35. Included in the course fee is a field trip to the 1663 Homestead of Spocott Farm with George Radcliffe, Jr. on March 21st. To register, visit
Chesapeake Forum is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing lifelong learning opportunities for residents of the Eastern Shore. To receive Chesapeake Forum’s newsletter, send an email with your name and email contact information to [email protected].
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