For 40 years, Channel Marker has improved the lives of individuals on the Mid-Shore living with severe and persistent mental health challenges. Founded in 1982, Channel Marker continues to strengthen the community by providing excellent mental health and wellness support services, through prevention programs, rehabilitation, and community services enhancing the quality of life for individuals in our community. Channel Marker’smental health and wellness support services are widely recognized across three Mid-Shore Maryland Counties (Talbot, Caroline, and Dorchester) as a valued community asset.
During its 40th anniversary, Channel Marker will be adding Residential Crisis Beds to its line of mental health and wellness support services to address the needs of individuals who are seeking stabilization through acute, non-emergent crisis support services. Recognizing the pressing need for a less traumatic alternative to psychiatric hospitalization on the Mid-Shore, Channel Marker is nearing the completion of an eight-bed crisis facility within its Glebe Park Drive headquarters in Easton. Currently the nearest similar crisis facilities are located in Somerset and Anne Arundel Counties, leaving a dearth of treatment options in Talbot, Caroline, and Dorchester Counties. When complete, this new facility will allow faster access to appropriate, therapeutic care and ease the burden on local hospitals. To learn more about Channel Marker’snew Residential Crisis Beds service visit or call 410.822.4619.
Channel Marker has also launched a $250K Caroline Youth Center Capital Campaign helping Caroline County children, ages 5 to 18, in the new Caroline Youth Center in Denton. Serving youth who have been diagnosed with a wide variety of mental health challenges, this youth center is the latest addition to the three-acre campus that also includes three supervised residences and an adult wellness center. Formerly the Caroline Hospice House, the Caroline Youth Center is a friendly and comfortable setting for interactive activities that mirror the work and play experience in which children struggle to cope. At the Caroline Youth Center, youth clients will find hope for a bright future and lifelong wellness. To learn more about Channel Marker’sCaroline Youth Center Capital Campaign visit or call 410.822.4619.
The mission of Channel Marker is to create a healthy Mid-Shore community by providing mental illness treatment and prevention programs, wellness support, and community services to individuals and their families.
Humble Beginnings
Channel Marker, Inc.’s articles of incorporation were signed on March 2, 1982. The beginnings of Channel Marker came from the deinstitutionalization movement and the clubhouse model of psychosocial rehabilitation. Some of the early work on this came out of New York with the Fountain House, and from Boston University with their Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation. There was advocacy to help people with a serious mental illness to rejoin society and maintain their place in it. The idea was to build on people’s strengths, and provide support and training.
In 1981, there was an initiative started by the Talbot County Health Department. The original proposals wanted to give people more than what they were getting at the traditional clinic services. Susan Bishop, a social worker, was loaned from Eastern Shore Hospital Center to work on this proposal with Dr. Grobler, the Community Liaison Officer. Susan would later become very involved with Channel Marker as both a board member and a strong advocate for our clients, called “members” at that time.
Susan’s proposal was accepted in October of 1981. She served as a consultant on this project and assisted with hiring of the first staff.
Channel Marker started with rented space in local Churches. Dr. Grobler suggested the name of Channel Marker as a sign of helping people to find their way back to recovery. Clients were instrumental in designing the first logo.
The first budget to be submitted to the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene was for $117,237.
As they say, the rest is history. From there, programs were launched in all 3 Mid-Shore Counties as well as property owned of 4-day program facilities, 7 houses, and transportation fleet.
The most notable expansions to date are the additions of the Group Practice in 2012, Health Home in 2013, the Wellness Center in Easton in 2016, and the Caroline Youth Center in 2018, and soon to open its 7th service line with the addition of the Residential Crisis Beds.
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