Join a Monarch tagging project, learn to stay mobile at any age, find out what edible plants are growing in your back yard or keep your mind sharp with Mahjong. It’s all coming up at Chesapeake Forum in the second half of September.
Kicking things off is Monarch Migration Magic. Join Pickering Creek naturalists to learn about monarch habitat, migration cycle, lifespan and how to help them in your backyard or community on Monday, Sept. 16 from 10:30 AM – Noon. $30. In person at Pickering Creek Audubon Center, 11450 Audubon Lane, Easton, MD (21601). To register, visit
Monarchs aren’t the only things on the move at Chesapeake Forum – you can be too! Find out how to limit arthritis, reduce pain naturally and build a strong immune system from Drs. Chris and Julia Cianci on Wednesday Sept.18 in Healthy, Mobile and Active at Any Age from 1:30 – 3 PM. $20. HYBRID. To register, visit
Scammers are getting more and more sophisticated when it comes to getting your valuable financial and personal information. Learn how to protect yourself with Avoiding Crafty Security Scams on Wednesday, Sept.18, 25 and Oct. 2 from 10:30 – 12 PM. HYBRID. $40. To register, visit
You are probably familiar with using common herbs like basil and parsley to spice up a dish but did you know that squash blossoms and certain lilies can also be used in cooking? Cookbook author Katie Barney introduces a world of new culinary possibilities in Edible Plants on Friday, Sept. 20 from 10:30 – noon. In person at the Easton Family YMCA. $30. To register, visit
Get your brain in gear with Mahjong! This ancient Chinese game is a great brain buster with proven benefits for memory and cognitive function. Plus, it’s fun! Sharpen Your Mind with Mahjong is eight sessions, Sept. 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Nov. 6, 13 from 1:30 – 3 PM. $70. In person at the Easton Family YMCA. To register, visit
And finally, join Chesapeake Forum’s Books with Friends, a casual monthly get together to read and discuss favorite books. All meetings take place on Zoom and the course is free although registration is required. Books with Friends is Sept. 26, Oct. 24 and Nov. 21 from 1:30 – 3 PM. Free. To register, visit For September, the group is reading The Wager, by David Grann
Chesapeake Forum is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing lifelong learning opportunities for residents of the Eastern Shore. To receive Chesapeake Forum’s newsletter, please send your name and contact information to [email protected].
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