With 12 out of 12 election day precincts reporting, the Republicans could be heading for a local victory with all five GOP candidates in the lead but its quite possible all of this could change as mail-in ballots continue to be counted.
There are unconfirmed reports that almost 2,000 mail-in ballots remain uncounted.
Ron Ketter says
In 2018, 77,218 votes were cast for county council. That’s around 13,000 more than what’s being reflected here. So if turnout is anywhere close to the last mid-year election, then yes there are a lot more ballots yet to be counted. Stay tuned.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Not surprising, I know many people who would never admit to voting R but do so. It’s like an embarrassing secret amount the “educated”.
So, when does the Confederate Statue get erected?
Jeff Chandler says
Where can I find all the local election results? Stardem has results as of Tuesday evening. You have partial results on the county council but no other races.
Linda Redmond says
Here are more recent results:
Jim Smullen says
An apparent dramatic turnaround has occurred with the mail in ballot count as reported by the Maryland State Board of Elections as of 6:17 today (Nov 10). There were significant changes in the “MIB1 – Mail-In Ballots counted before 12 noon on November 11” category. Democratic incumbent candidate Pete Lesher is reported to have received an additional 1,150 votes, and he now leads all candidates in the vote count. At this point Republican candidate Strickland has been moved out of the running.
There apparently remains two categories of votes yet outstanding: “MIB2 (later counted mail-in) and Provisional ballots.
Congratulations to candidate Pete Lesher for a well run and apparently a likely successful campaign.