The one outstanding highlight from last night’s Town of Easton Council meeting was a discussion by council members about the timing of a workshop designed to present the findings of its Attainable Housing Task Force to improve access to affordable homes for those wishing to live and work in the community.
While the debate centered on when to have that final review, Council President Frank Gunsallus and Ward 3 Councilmember David Montgomery made it clear to their colleagues that they would be seeking the help of an outside consulting firm to evaluate the impact of proposed changes in Easton’s zoning codes on homeowners and staff resources.
In the end, the Council agreed to move forward with their planned workshop for March 3 and defer other related actions until all the councilmembers had digested the task force recommendations.
This video is approximately 13 minutes in length.
Carl Kellen says
While I believe inclusionary housing is ridiculous for Easton, I also think that Frank Gunsallus is the worst messenger we could have on this. His overt lack of respect for the mayor in public forums is gross. He could disagree with her without being condescending and petty. He needs to go.
Second, has anyone on the council, mayor’s office or planning and zoning calculated the number of projects already approved, and how many people would be required to fill them? By my count, between single-family detached homes, townhomes and apartments already approved, if all were filled to max occupancy, our population would increase by 12% with ZERO road improvements and ZERO increase in public school capacity.
Our affordable housing crisis is a joke. New construction projects are expensive, making surrounding towns a better, more cost effective option.
And, if the mayor is mad about police officers not being able to afford a home, perhaps she needs to focus less on parks and parades, and more on salaries, if officers being able to live in Easton is her big concern.
Marion Arnold says
Frank Gunsallus displays an appalling lack of civility and respect with regard to Mayor Cook. Shame on him.