To support the Spy’s continued coverage of the Town of Easton’s affordable housing challenge, we have started a new series that plans to have quarterly check-in sessions with some of the community’s most active leaders involved in that effort.
In part one, the Spy is joined by Easton Economic Development Corporation director Holly DeKarske and the Town of Easton Planning and Zoning director Miguel Salinas on the mission and anticipated results of the newly appointed Unattainable Housing Task Force. Comprising 18 diverse members, the task force aims to craft a comprehensive housing strategy. This includes exploring land use policies, regulatory changes, and potential funding sources to boost affordable housing production.
We also touch on the broader implications of affordable housing, emphasizing the need for community education and engagement. Both underscore the importance of informing developers and the public about housing needs while pointing out the challenges faced by the local workforce in finding affordable homes.
This video is approximately 15 minutes in length. For more information about Easton’s Planning and Zoning programs please go here. For more information about the Town of Easton’s consultants discussed in the video please go here. A date for the consultant presentation mentioned has not been set, and the Spy will update this article when we have that information.
Clara Kelly says
How will the decisions of the Affordable Housing Task Force impact current Planning and Zoning Codes and the 2023 Town of Easton Comprehensive Plan? Is the Task Force also taking into consideration the impact of its changes on current infrastructure — utilities; firefighters, police and other first responders; schools; healthcare facilities; roads/traffic; etc.?
Excellent idea to begin this series. I look forward to the quarterly check-in sessions. Today’s Part I was very informative, and thank you Holly and Miguel for your insight.