While most citizens of the 1st Congressional District in Maryland will be focused on the presidential election come November 3, it is worth reminding our readers that incumbent representative Andy Harris is running for a fifth term as well. In today’s edition of the Spy, we are sharing our interview with Rep. Harris, and on Thursday, we will have a similar Zoom conversation with Mia Mason, his Democratic opponent.
In his Spy interview, Congressman Harris talks about his views on COVID-19, the use of Black Lives Matter murals in Chestertown, his desire to keep the Talbot Boys statue in Easton, the cause and effect of climate change with wildfires in the West, and his insistence that President Trump will accept the results of the November election.
This video is approximately seventeen minutes in length. For more information about the Harris for Congress campaign, please go here.
Carol Voyles says
Adding explanatory displays to the Talbot Boys monument has been suggested before, but never embraced – perhaps because this function might be better addressed in another venue.
Rep. Harris also suggests forest management, not climate change, should be our primary concern. In this case acknowledge that California is third in the nation for federal land ownership might also be helpful. Half of California’s forested acres are under federal control.
Suzanne Todd says
Asking if Trump will accept election results if Biden wins is not a stupid question. I wonder if Representative Harris has heard Trump’s response when asked that question.