Around 6:00 p.m. last evening my wife caught it underway. Sharp eye. There is a large pond maybe a hundred feet from the kitchen window, and we are always looking for “wha’zup.” Well, at that moment a beautiful Great Blue Heron (aren’t they all) was flipping something about in the reeds on the far side of the pond, trying, like us, to get dinner ready. The light was wonderful.
Binoculars close at hand, we got to watch. Alas, our heron friend had nailed Jeremiah, majordomo of this particular basin. One does not often see a bullfrog stretched out full length—if one sees him at all. But apparently wanting to show off her prowess to the voyeurs, the proud heron held her catch by the head, dangling surely sixteen inches (mostly legs) for maybe a minute, as she contemplated the next move. Then a practiced toss, and voila, dinner complete… followed closely by a sip of aqua fresca and a tall and lovely stretch.
The elegance of it all! Patience, but otherwise so little preparation required. And no dirty dishes.
Predictably, at evensong over the pond the altos and tenors were strong as ever, but the bass voices were a little light. (Sopranos are never as vibrant as earlier in the spring.) Life goes on.
Dan Watson is the former chair of Bipartisan Coalition For New Council Leadership and has lived in Talbot County for the last twenty-five years.
John Dean says
Great photo. Thank you for sharing!