The League of Women Voters of the Mid-Shore invites all who are interested to their Annual Meeting on Sunday, April 24, 2022 at Third Haven Meeting House, 405 S. Washington Street in Easton, Md. The local League will be celebrating its efforts over the past year and gearing up for the start of the new fiscal year.
The League of Women Voters is devoted to the conduct of free and fair elections and to making sure that voters are well informed about the issues and candidates.
The guest speaker will be Matt Pluta, Choptank River Keeper and Director of River Keeper programs at ShoreRivers. Mr. Pluta will speak on “Water Quality Threats on the Eastern Shore: Development Pressure and Wastewater Issues.”
All are welcome to attend the meeting.
David Reel says
The LWV would have much greater credibility if they did not have only one speaker at their annual meeting — Matt Pluta, Choptank River Keeper and Director of River Keeper programs at ShoreRivers who will speak on “Water Quality Threats on the Eastern Shore: Development Pressure and Wastewater Issues.”
Based on that program title alone I suspect his talk will be a thinly disguised attempt to rally voters to support candidates who oppose growth and development and oppose candidates who favor growth and development. That is NOT making sure voters are well informed about the issues and candidates. There are always at least two sides on virtually every public policy issue.