I was happy to attend the Blue Lives Matter rally at the County Court House on last Tuesday evening. It was good to see the public support by those who turned out to demonstrate their appreciation of those who protect us. It was good to bump elbows and share best wishes with Joe Gamble and members of his force.
However, the best way to demonstrate public support for the County’s Public Safety staff is to vote “YES” on Ballot Issues B, C and D on November 3rd, to allow the County Council to make revenue adjustments as needed.
Eliminating the Consumer Price Index-Urban(CPI) and confirming the use of the “Constant Yield Tax Rate Certification” for the purpose of specifying how the revenue cap is calculated are basic to the Council’s ability to allow itself the flexibility to provide our County services the changing resources they require from year to year.
Critically important for the 2021 Fiscal Year is to allow a Temporary Increase of One Cent per $100 of assessed value. Years of remaining locked into arbitrary limits to budget requirements have had a detrimental effect on all key county services, but perhaps most dangerously, on Public Safety.
Talbot County has devolved into the lowest starting salary in the region, complicated by the least attractive retirement plan in the state. The Department annually loses good people to other jurisdictions and cannot afford to fully train new recruits. There are times when Sheriff Joe doesn’t have adequate personnel to fully staff every shift.
These are serious issues that unfairly punish the very people whom we rely upon for our safety. We must show them the respect they deserve by putting our money where our mouths are. The additional one cent would amount to $25.00 in FY 2022 for a property valued at $250,000 and $50.00 for a property valued at $500,000. These types of very modest increases are unlikely to fall heavily upon any property owner in Talbot County.
Let’s walk the walk to demonstrate to our Public Safety Department that we’re not all talk!
Dominic “Mickey” Terrone
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