Dave Harden’s open letter of March 14 in the Spy only underscores how well Heather Mizeur can represent the Eastern Shore in Congress. While Harden picks a fight over who was born and raised in which jurisdiction, it is Mizeur, not Harden, who has dedicated her adult life to fighting for health care for uninsured children, working for paid sick leave and pushing for a $15 minimum wage.
While Harden was born on the Eastern Shore and spent his formative years here, he spent his adult life overseas as a foreign diplomat. He has impressive experience in remote conflict situations, but no legislative experience at home. Mizeur, on the other hand, has spent the last 25 years engaged in our bread and butter issues.
Since she moved to Chestertown over 8 years ago to continue her family’s farming tradition, Mizeur has developed deep ties to her community and the rest of the Eastern Shore. We need someone with political experience to represent us in Congress. I had the privilege of hearing Heather speak when she was a Delegate. I remember thinking “If we only had someone like her to represent the Eastern Shore.” Now we have that chance.
In his letter, Harden complains about all the Democratic leaders from across Maryland who have endorsed Mizeur. Perhaps he is jealous? Harden appears to have only one endorsement from the Eastern Shore while Heather has many. Here is a list of just a few:
Wayne Gilchrist, former District One Representative
Todd Nock, Pocomoke City Council Member
Megan Cook, Easton Town Council President
Meghan Efland, Chestertown Councilmember
Rev. Ellsworth Tolliver, Chestertown Councilmember
Thomas Herz Jr., Chestertown Councilmember
Josh Nordstrom, Worcester County Commissioner
Bill McCain, Wicomico County Councilmember
Andre Johnson, Harford County Councilmember
Andrea Blake, Salisbury City Council
Michelle Gregory, Salisbury City Council
Nivek Johnson, Kent County Board of Education
Francoise Sullivan, Kent County Board of Education
Chris Cerino, former mayor of Chestertown
Jeff Powell, former Dorchester County Commissioner
David Dunmyer, former Queen Anne’s County Commissioner
Bob Hardy, former Centerville Town Councilmember
(Please go to: Endorsements – Heather Mizeur to see more of Mizeur’s endorsements.)
Dave Harden is wrong. Heather Mizeur has chosen the Eastern Shore to be her home. She is our friend, and we embrace her.
Susan Olsen
Charles Barranco says
Ms Olsen,
Just one question. Can Heather Mizeur beat Harris?
The endorsements are formidable and it’s apparent she’s been beating the bush for them, but can she win.
In comparison, Harris is home grown too. That’s not a qualification. He’s voted in lock step against every environmental safeguard, since he’s been in office. He’s a disgrace and only represents the interests of the GOP. He’s a follower.
Dave Harden brings depth, knowledge, negotiation skills and World experience to the job. He knows how government works. His opponents can’t compare.
The Bottom Line;
Who is the best candidate to beat Harris. Mizeur, unfortunately is 0-1.
Harden will beat Harris.
Christina Mills says
While Heather Mizeur has been involved with state government representing Montgomery County, and she has early support, it does not mean that we cannot benefit from a healthy dialogue with other candidates. Dave Harden has come into the race later, but he brings foreign affairs experience, which is an asset, as well as a sound foundation in economics.
A forum with our primary candidates would only strengthen all candidates, and those who may emerge. We now have time as the primary is not until July 19. I look forward to an opportunity to hear from all candidates running in the First Congressional District primary. The deadline to enter the primary is mid-April. Why the rush?