After a whale carcass washed ashore near the mouth of the bay recently, right wing stooge Andy Harris called for a moratorium on development of offshore wind projects “until it can be definitively proven that windmill projects are not contributing to the repeated whale deaths.”
As best I can tell, the first and only wind farm in US waters off the east coast is in Rhode Island. A necropsy of the whale carcass determined that the death occurred due to injuries consistent with a boat strike.
If Congressman Harris is serious about protecting whales, he will announce today that he supports the proposal to extend the 10mph speed limit to charter fishing boats as small as 35 feet. The current limit only applies to vessels 65 feet and longer. Of course he won’t.
Let’s be clear. Andy Harris doesn’t give one whit about whales. If it got him more votes he would serve baby-whale sushi at campaign events.
His whining once again is nothing short of pandering and a tiresome attempt to divert attention from the abject failure of his party.
Jim Bachman
Dick Deerin says
Another conspiracy theory from the least effective congressman in Congress. Thank you.
Francine De Sanctis says
A wonderful and accurate description of Harris’s attitude on the environment or protecting wildlife. His voting record on either subject is abysmal and one of the worst in Congress. Just another attempt to blame anything other than his ignorance of current problems.
Al DiCenso says
Election denier harris (doesn’t deserve upper case) falls into the same category as Marjorie Taylor Greene and the other nutcases of her ilk.
James Wilson says
mr. harris is easy to understand. Just look at mr. trump’s railing against wind power … when the wind stops blowing the lights go out. He is chained to trump and it shows. But of course that could be a good thing to the true believers.
Eva M. Smorzaniuk MD says
Andy Harris also didn’t do a fact check before issuing his inaccurate statement to the press. Representatives of NOAA confirmed publicly that the biggest cause of whale deaths remains boat strikes. How disingenuous of him to profess concern for whales when his agenda is to bash development of any alternative sources of energy.
William Keppen says
Never let the truth get in the way of a (good) story. Harris says the darndest things.