The Easton Planning Commission meets on Thursday (Sept 19) to consider approval of Chesapeake Community Development’s plans for a new townhouse development. Yes, we need more affordable housing, but not a project that looks like this. Many in the neighborhood would like to see it redesigned. The proposed Silo Square fails to embrace the character Easton. Its plan doesn’t follow the town’s street grid and alley pattern and its contemporary design clashes with the houses in the adjacent historic district. We are concerned the project is an isolated enclave with no public space, will increase traffic on narrow streets, and set a terrible precedent for the future development of nearby industrial properties. We urge the Planning Commission to defer a decision on this project and seek improvement in its layout and architectural design.
Maury Schlesinger for The Silo District Residents
Avery Ornett says
Nothing could look worst then what is there now.
Susan LaMotte says
It’s hard for me to believe that between two quiet residential roads in downtown Easton, they are placing 28 townhomes at the end of the streets. This figures to bring an additional 56 cars in to this small neighborhood. When looking at the area one sees small houses which look nothing like the proposed modern townhomes.
Linda Meredith says
I think it would look just right all fixed up. I would like to know how old the place is. I’m 68 and the silos and feed mill has been there as long I can remember. It seems most of the complaining is coming from people that have moved into the area, not us local citizens. The arguments against it make them sound like they are reaching.