What is that in the sky? If you’ve ever looked up on a dark night and wondered what you were seeing – a star, a plane or a planet – join Jim McKee on Wednesday, October 4th for Astrophotography on the Eastern Shore.
Learn how McKee took his love of astrophotography from a simple DSLR telephoto lens and tripod, to a fully automated astrophotography setup in five years. You will see deep sky objects he has captured from here in Talbot County that will stir your imagination of what lies beyond!
McKee will share the lessons he has learned and demonstrate what wonderful night sky photographs are possible right here on the Eastern Shore. At the end of the session, you will understand how to get started with astrophotography, how much equipment is enough, where to get help in the Internet and how much technical knowledge you really need to enjoy this hobby.
McKee is a retired Naval officer and systems engineer. Photography is a lifelong passion. When he retired in 2017, he started a real estate photography business and continues to enjoy aircraft and automobile photography as well as astrophotography.
Astrophotography on the Eastern Shore is one session, Wednesday, October 1st from 5:30 – 7 PM. $20. HYBRID (in person at the Easton Family YMCA, via ZOOM or recording). To register, visit https:/chesapeakeforum.org.
Chesapeake Forum is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing lifelong learning opportunities for residents of the Eastern Shore. To receive Chesapeake Forum’s newsletter, please send your contact information, including mailing address, to info@chesapeakeforum.
Georgette Toews says
The date of this talk is wrong. Wednesday is October 4th, not October 1st.