Since our Talbot County Council’s last meeting we’ve heard from Alan Girard, Chesapeake Bay Foundation Director for the Eastern Shore, and Chuck Callahan, President of our County Council. And their views on this controversial Lakeside project suggest that they have at least one goal in common: Resolution of Lakeside issues.
Girard acknowledged that when Resolution 281 was adopted the County wasn’t aware of Trappe’s wastewater treatment plant issues or that Trappe Creek was polluted; but since then the voices of concerned citizens and hundreds of emails supporting an Enhanced Nutrient Removal (ENR) level of wastewater treatment before connecting additional homes to Trappe’s plant suggest that is no longer the case. And doing the right thing for clean water now is “not a flip-flop, it’s acting responsibly.”
Talbot County Council President Chuck Callahan expressed his preference “to keep things simple.” After all, this has been going on for 20 years, and, “If we had been more proactive, we could have settled all of this 4 years ago.” He doesn’t want to harm the environment, but “it’s time to move forward.” Contracts have been signed, and the “municipality is out.”
County approval is required for all development, and the Planning Commission must be on board. The Planning Commission has rescinded its approval, and hundreds of citizens also seem to agree that providing ENR standards before additional homes are connected to Trappe’s wastewater treatment plant is a reasonable expectation.
Having voted against Resolutions 308 and 313, Councilmembers Callahan, Divilio and Pack voted in favor of a letter to the Maryland Department of the Environment. Councilmembers Laura Price and Pete Lesher insisted that the letter be reviewed, and this evening’s agenda includes a request from the Office of Law for clarification of the County’s position regarding the proposed Lakeside Trappe East wastewater treatment project.
The meeting came to order at 6 PM. Shore Health ICU nurses were honored for their service to our community during Covid, and Dr. Maguire had more good news: Far fewer Covid infections now.
Connect Talbot, our broadband project, and Council Vice President Pete Lesher’s American Rescue Plan Survey provided more positive news. Over 600 citizens had responded, and everyone should have access to broadband within 48 months. $1.75 million of the Rescue Plan’s $7.2 million is going to Connect Talbot. and another $1 million to public health. More projects are coming.
We were also informed of the formation of a police accountability board, senior center programs, and airport expansions and improvements. The letter to MDE would be the second to last item on the agenda, and we might have been optimistic, considering comments made in support of the Rescue Plan Survey.
Councilman Corey Pack thought it had been a good idea to ”check in with citizens to make sure we know what they want.”
And Councilman Frank Divilio suggested that he was “not one to let sewer systems sit there failing.”
County Attorney Patrick Thomas introduced the letter drafted to Maryland Department of the Environment for the Council’s approval. It states that Resolutions 308 and 313 were not passed; and that Resolution 327 is scheduled for a vote at the Council’s April 12 meeting.
Narrowly targeted, Resolution 327 would amend our Comprehensive Plan so that Trappe’s wastewater treatment meets ENR standards before additional homes are connected, and this common sense solution could be accomplished in a timely manner by utilizing either modular or mobile units, rather than waiting months or years for facilities to be upgraded or built.
Might our Office of Law also be concerned that Resolution 281 no longer has the approval of our Planning Commission? Or is that water under the bridge? And what now? Usually Lakeside issues generate long contentious dialogues.
But it was late, and only Divilio commented, “Does this mean action again on 308 and 313?’
Answered in chorus, “No.” The letter would be sent, and the meeting adjourned at 9:03 PM.
Councilmembers could appreciate hearing from us before their April 12 meeting:
Chuck F. Callahan, [email protected]
Frank Divilio, [email protected]
Pete Lesher, [email protected]
Corey W. Pack, [email protected]
Laura E. Price, [email protected]
Carol Voyles
Dan Watson says
Hell no, Lakeside is not water under the dam. More to follow.
The Talbot Integrity Project
Dan Watson
Carol Voyles says
Thank you, Dan!
Jill Poe says
Talbot County residents: Get used to being manipulated by your council members for their benefit. Don ‘t you wonder why an issue as simple as clean water has become so convaluted. Welcome to the future.
Robert Thomas says
The county council has known for some time now that the sewer plant in Trappe was not up to standard but they are still saying OK to hooking up more housing to it. Isn’t it illegal to intentionally pollute our waterways?