The Spy noted with pleasure this morning that Talbot County was making a significant leap forward to create more community engagement on major issues being discussed by its county council. In a case where technology and transparency can work hand in hand, the local government has just opened its new “Public Comment” portal for all interested in reading relevant documents and submitting comments for lawmakers and residents to note for the record.
Public Engagement: A chat with Talbot County’s Sarah Kilmon on new era of community Input
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Pamela Keeton says
I am so happy that Talbot County created a position for public communications. Back in my day, those positions were called Public Information Officers. For years, Talbot County has not taken the initiative to communicate with the public. There are good stories to tell, dedicated civil servants who deserve acknowledgement, and the need for feedback beyond contacting council members. Miss Kilmon graduated from one of the premier universities teaching mass communications and we are lucky to have her. Bravo to Clay Stamp and the council for creating this position and hiring a highly trained communicator!