Along with summer swimming comes ShoreRivers Bacteria Monitoring season. It is advised that people not swim 24-48 hours after a major rain.
Nonpartisan Education-based News for Talbot County Community
by ShoreRivers
Along with summer swimming comes ShoreRivers Bacteria Monitoring season. It is advised that people not swim 24-48 hours after a major rain.
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Carol Voyles says
Trappe worst score of 14 for Choptank – by far. Wondering how many new Lakeside homes are occupied and using their WWTP so far and how far along the new system is.
There do seem to be numbers issues on the spray systems.
Carol Voyles says
That was May 23, 2023. Seem in the middle of the pack today.
Rainfall has been spotty.. (Behind in Easton.) Less rainfall may also equal less agricultural pollution?
Only thought of that because I’ve heard the opposite is also true.More runoff + more pollution.
(Is the whole chart lower than normaql this season?)
Wilson Wyatt says
What bacteria is evaluated, and from what specific source? What is the potential effect on humans? This would be helpful information. Thank you.
reedfawell 3 says
These scores are incredibly bad? Why? What is being done about it?
Reed Fawell 3 says
This weeks numbers are substantially better. Logically the reason for the great improvement is the fact that it hasn’t rained for a week. This leads us to the following on conclusion that stormwater runoff is a primary cause for pollution in the bay. We need to better control this runoff, whether it be from new development or from farmlands.
Rebecca Firth says
Why did sailwinds fail with a reading below 104?
Liz Fisher says
Wow, what was going on in Easton? 8.664 CFUs at Easton Point.