If there are any four notes in all the classical music canon that almost everyone recognizes – even those who wouldn’t know Mozart from Muddy Waters – it would be the bah-bah-bah-BOHM of Beethoven’s Fifth. But how many aficionados would recognize the first few bars of his “rookie” symphony No. 1 as Beethoven’s?
Premiering Nov. 8 in Rehoboth Beach with Michael Repper conducting, followed by a 3 p.m. performance on Saturday, Nov. 9 at the Ocean City Performing Arts Center. The finale is at 3 on Sunday, Nov. 10 at the Todd Performing Arts Center, Chesapeake College in Wye Mills. midatlanticsymphony.org
Elizabeth Hott says
We attended the concert this afternoon at Chesapeake Community College and thoroughly enjoyed it. Music was gorgeous and the audience gave the orchestra a well-deserved standing ovation. Beethoven’s 5th is indeed the G.O,A.T.!