We asked yesterday how Spy readers felt about the second impeachment of President Trump. And, if impeachment does occur, we asked if President Trump should be banned from seeking the Presidency a second time.
Readers were pretty clear…
Strongly FAVOR impeachment — 81%
Strongly OPPOSE impeachment — 12%
President Trump SHOULD NOT be allowed to seek the presidency again — 87%
President Trump SHOULD be allowed to seek the presidency again — 11%
Stephen Schaare says
Only 81 percent from Spy readers? I am shocked. Shocked I say!!
Deirdre LaMotte says
Well, Kent County is a very diverse county. Many are hopelessly easily lead by lies, unfortunately.
Frank Carollo says
Please make sure our empty-suit congressman Andy Harris sees these results. Maybe he’ll finally understand and act on the wishes of his constituents… although I doubt it.
Gary W. Craig says
Andy Harris keeps getting re-elected, so some folks like him. I don’t! Unfortunately Harris has his seat for life..
Diana Turner says
Should not be able to seek president again at all.
Bob Fitch says
Impeachment is an act of vengeance that does nothing to heal the division in our society today. We should move on and listen with respect to different points of view realizing that the hate for Trump germinating from our news media is causing extreme backlash and does great damage to civil discourse.