In today’s complex world, assigning blame before the facts are in can result in dangerously inaccurate conclusions. Many accidents that occur have numerous levels of complexity which include human error, technology, timing, weather, communications, and endless permutations of each of these dimensions.
Before having a handle on the facts regarding last week’s catastrophic airplane crash, President Trump blamed Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. He then blamed Obama, Biden, the Democrats in general, and former Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg.
Trump said, “I put safety first. Obama, Biden, and the Democrats put policy first, and they put politics at a level that nobody has seen because this was the lowest level. Their policy was horrible, and their politics were even worse.”
Then Trump recommended that the most brilliant people with the most supreme mental superiority and fitness must be in these life-or-death positions. How do you know if you have the best people? Get rid of the diverse, the women, the disabled, the mentally challenged and stock up with capable white males.
Here’s what Maryland Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen, said: “We’ve just experienced a great tragedy, and the President of the United States has already rushed to politicize it—jumping to outrageous conclusions and undermining ongoing investigations.”
Former Secretary of State Pete Buttigieg suggested that Trump should look at some of his own actions before condemning others. Buttigieg noted that shortly after Trump took office one of his “first acts was to fire and suspend some of the key personnel who helped keep our skies safe.” He continued, “As families grieve, Trump should be leading, not lying. We put safety first, drove down close calls, grew Air Traffic Control, and had zero-commercial airline crash fatalities out of millions of flights on our watch.”
Trump tends to lash out in fear when he isn’t in control of a situation. When Covid was rampant, at one of his press conferences he suggested harebrain cures off the top of his head. After last week’s tragedy, his answer was to get rid of diverse people and replace them with superior white males.
So, what is the right way to communicate in a crisis situation? I have helped many clients with these issues. Here are just a few suggestions.
Focus on what you know for sure.
Communicate honestly, openly, and consistently.
Listen to the experts and let the experts speak on complex issues.
Whatever you do, don’t jump to conclusions before all the facts are in. and don’t pretend that you have all the answers.
Monitor and engage with public feedback.
Designate a key spokesperson (in this case, the administrator of the FAA might make sense).
Use multi-channel communication systems.
Ensure that you have an empathetic and trustful set of communications for those primarily affected by the crisis. Identify all target audiences and develop communication plans and appropriate vehicles for each of them. Repeat and reinforce key information.
Stress that the goal will be to ensure that after the facts are in, a team will be put in place to develop protocols and processes to ensure that this tragedy never happens again.
Conduct post-crisis evaluations and develop follow-up communication plans.
John F. Kennedy once said, “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame on the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.” Sounds like a good idea.
Maria Grant was principal-in-charge of the federal human capital practice of an international consulting firm. While on the Eastern Shore, she focuses on writing, reading, music, and nature.
Art Cecil says
Did Trump really say “get rid of women…and hire white men” in hiring ?
Rodney Tong says
What are you left with if you get rid of DEI
Maria W. Grant says
You might want to research Darren Beattie, Trump’s former speech writer. He was fired in 2018 when CNN reported that he spoke at a white nationalist conference. Last October he wrote, “Competent white men must be in charge if you want things to work.” Trump just appointed him a few days ago to a senior position at the State Department.
Danna Murden says
No that is not what he said. The air traffic controllers said that they had over 1000 qualified applications for air traffic controllers last year that they could not hire any of them because they didn’t fit DEI. Such jobs should be on qualifications not DEI. President Trump has said all long that people should be hired on MERIT not trying to fill some quota of DEI. I think he is Spot On.
Maria Grant says
It’s a tough argument to make these days that Trump is focused on merit. By any standards Hegseth, RFK Jr., Gabbard and Patel are the least qualified crew for cabinet picks in my lifetime. No management experience, sexual assaults, financial mismanagement, traitorous comments against the U.S.–the list goes on. Plus he just appointed Billy Long to head the IRS, a former auctioneer and real estate broker and Neil Jacobs to head up NOAA who was involved in Sharpiegate–you know changing the trajectory of the hurricane to include Alabama.
Wilson Dean says
Your recommendations for effective leadership in a crisis situation are excellent. Unfortunately, Trump’s approach is that no situation is too sensitive or in need of empathy to avoid politicizing it. Both he and Fox News have a long history of prematurely and inaccurately blaming illegals, DEI, and Democrats for tragic incidents in their immediate aftermath. This strategy illustrates that both Trump and the news outlets that tie themselves to him strongly believe his supporters are not sufficiently intelligent, interested, or caring to ever fact check them, and that the first thing they hear on an issue is what they forever believe. Willful ignorance is the trademark of the Trump movement.
Caroline Thomas says
How did such a horrible & evil person get elected?
He may not have said it in those words, but look at his record.
Sam Wilson says
DEI is a system that cannot succeed and here is why. If a company is mandated to hire a a minimum amount of employees with certain identities (ie race, gender, LGBTQ) then all companies will look to fill those positions. Therefore the pool of qualified people shrinks because there are not enough top tier candidates of any given identity to fill those positions so they have to fill them with less qualified people to meet the quota. It does not matter which race, gender or sexual identity. It is just math. DEI is a terrible system. We need to focus on education access for all.
Reed Fawell 3 says
Sam is right. Affirmative action giving preferential treatment on the basis of race, skin color, grievously harms all concerned, and ultimately insults all concerned while it poisons society from top to bottom.
Deirdre LaMotte says
LOL funny! So the new requirement must be felons, insurrectionists, white Christian nationalists
or fascist.
Seems like the above will now be preferred over well qualified women and people of color.
Now this will make the fascist Republicans happy!
Sam Wilson says
Respectfully I don’t think you understand what I am trying to relay. The system of DEI hurts all involved and should be abolished because it doesn’t address the root problems. It is not about one race or gender over another. The better way to gain equality of opportunity for all is through education and health initiatives not focusing on identities.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Ahh, not going to happen when history, civics and general “facts” are being abolished in Red
States. The anti DEI zeal has nothing to do with “being fair to all”. Equal opportunity in
employment had previously meant “white male only”. The workforce should be comprised
of all qualified races and sexes .
Reed Fawell 3 says
Yes, I agree Sam but would add that there are a growing number of studies showing that affirmative action and DEI programs do far more harm than good to all concerned for many reasons including the one you mentioned. The programs result in tragedies, not success, and those tragedies have been increasing now for decades.
Robert Rietz says
Maria is so correct, as usual. When will people learn that jumping to conclusions usually leads to an incorrect answer?