Vladimir Putin has two things on his side: sheer numbers and, potentially, isolationists in the West (America and its Allies).
As I write, Putin seems to be in “command and control” in Russia. Plus, Russia’s sheer numbers and armaments, along with a nuclear backdrop, are feared by politicians in some Western capitals. Of course, most Western leaders thought Russia would walk over Ukraine months ago. They should scrub their intelligence agencies while rebooting their mind.
Ukraine, the Nation, was transformed by Vladimir Putin. His “command and control” didn’t work out as he expected. Ukraine fought as a Nation; Russia showed up as an army and not a very good one. Three months later Ukraine has endured while Russia’s military assets have been exposed and depleted. Its victories achieved by long range artillery aimed at annihilation.
Importantly, Ukraine courage and endurance has transformed the West. The leaders of the free world were initially outraged by Putin’s mendacity, while skeptically monitoring Ukraine’s capacity and resolve. So, transformation is not too big a word. We know, for example, how divided we are in the United States, yet in recent weeks the two most powerful Congressional leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell have led delegations to Kyiv to meet with Volodymyr Zelensky and pledge their support.
We also know that the Western Alliance, following the Afghanistan withdrawal, looked weak. President Xi of China was certainly paying attention and is presumably collecting valuable pricing information from the Ukraine war. How much might he be ready to spend on Taiwan?
But, on the eve of the fourth month of the Ukraine war a figurehead of a bent conservatism has become a symbol of fecklessness. Senator Josh Hawley, a Republican from Missouri, is once again attaching himself to a parade of fools.
Hawley, last week, objected to the legislative package for Ukraine just approved by Congress. Hawley might want to recall the lyrics of a tune popularized by Kenny Rogers and that C&W fans and beyond know as “The Gambler.”
Rogers sang of “a train bound for nowhere” on a dark summer evening. Boredom overtook the gambler as he turned to his companion singing: “ Son I’ve made a life of reading faces, Knowing what the cards were by the way they held their eyes; So if you don’t mind my sayin I can see you are out of aces.” The Gambler willing to trade advice for whiskey and a cigarette continued: “If you’re gonna play the game, boy you gotta learn to play it right, You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em, Know when to fold’em, Know when to walk away And know when to run.”
Are America and its allies on a “train to nowhere”? The Ukrainians have made their bet with their lives—the ultimate sacrifice. Their resolve has been inspiring and Russia is learning a crucial lesson—in war fight an army, not a nation and certainly not on their soil.
If anybody is on a train to nowhere, it is Putin and sadly Hawley and the isolationists. Putin’s story about going to Ukraine to fight Nazis is eroding, even in Russia, as the real story unfolds on electronic networks that can’t be controlled.
It is also hard to lead effectively if your mind is blurred by self-intoxication surrounded by a team soaked in paranoia. Paranoia is depleting as the circle of trust gets progressively smaller and talented people either exit or take matters into their own hands.
So, Senator Hawley how are you as a betting man? As you raised your fist to show solidarity with the January 6th insurrectionists you revealed opportunism, the mendacious variety.
And this time, as former President Ronald Reagan said to his critics, “there you go again.” But this time the goal is worthy and the war is real. This time it is principled. Perhaps you should listen, really listen, to “the Gambler” and your leader, Senator McConnell.
Al Sikes is the former Chair of the Federal Communications Commission under George H.W. Bush. Al writes on themes from his book, Culture Leads Leaders Follow published by Koehler Books.
Charles E. Valier says
Pretty strong stuff. The end game has not revealed itself yet. Here in the US the Republicans are slowly diminishing the power of Trump and Biden is continuing to diminish himself. So the real question is where are we going and how will we get there???
Stephen Schaare says
Mr. Sikes, This was painful to read. Your column of last week, and today confirm your liberal credentials.
Prior to last week, I considered you rather moderate and reasoned . Guess it proves the old adage ” nothing like a looming shellacking in the mid-terms to see those real colors on display”
I appreciate and welcome your transparency. Steve
Richard Marks says
Al Sikes would probably say he has been called far worst things throughout his distinguished career including comments from lower than life personalities such as Howard Stern when Al was navigating censorship issues as Chair of the Federal Communications Commission. Rest assured, his conservative credentials are unquestioned if not unvarnished. Maybe you should Hawley that bucket of shellac to Missouri.
Thanks for the opportunity and inspiration to write this response. I have been somewhat removed and dormant lately.
Stephen Schaare says
Thank you Richard, So glad I was able to inspire your participation.
Be well-Steve
Matt LaMotte says
From the Oxford Dictionary – feck·less/ˈfekləs/(adjective)
Lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.
Similar: useless, worthless, incompetent, inefficient, inept, good-for-nothing
Few in the “performance” half of the Republican Party personify this definition better than Hawley!
Jim Moses CDR, USN (Ret.) says
A survey published yesterday suggested that while Americans “support Ukraine,” that support should not come, apparently, at any domestic cost (e.g., material shortages or inflation). These seeming adherents to the Charles Lindbergh School of Naive and Shortsighted Foreign Policy, if they have their way, are destined learn the 21st Century equivalents of the terms Sudenland and Anschluss. The hard way. If five dollar gas is the cost of stopping Putin in his tracks here and now, I’m all in. Ukraine has shown they can do it; they just need us to not walk away because some of us feel “inconvenienced.”
Pay now or pay later.
Barbara Denton says
The United States is financing this war with money we do not have. We have babies who cannot get formula, $6.00 and higher per gallon gasoline due to insane energy policies, schools indoctrinating our children with marxist dogma, CRT, failing infrastructure, schools now being forced to put boys in girls bathrooms by a new Biden order or face no Federal money for the free lunch program. The Ukraine is the United States biggest money laundry. Both Nancy and Mitch want to keep this going. None of the 40 Billion dollars will help the Ukrainian people. But, the 40 billion dollars will certainly hurt everyday Americans and drive us into the looming recession. But that is OK with these feckless liberals. The United States would be much better off if the crazy liberal Dems and the RINOS who are in leadership were thrown out of office. Josh Hawley is a good man and he is correct. Liberals hate truth. Al Sikes has proven his liberal creds in many ways over the past few years.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Hawley is nothing but an opportunist and fraud. I would also call him a horse’s ass but I like horses too much..
Jay Plager says
I am not able to take a public position on the politics of Josh Hawley, but I can say that, having known Al Sikes for some years now, suggesting he is a feckless liberal is the least accurate description one could come up with.
J. Plager
Barbara Denton says
Mr. Sikes has outlived his creds. If it walks and talks like a liberal, it is a liberal.