In modern parlance, “witch hunt” has come to mean the unjust ostracism of an innocent victim. During his reign as president, Mister Trump used the term more than 330 times in defense of accusations of wrongdoing.
On September 25, 2019 he called his impending (first) impeachment trial “the greatest witch hunt in American history.” On January 31 of this year, in a deposition over financial fraud in New York, he called the investigation “the greatest witch hunt ever.” And two days ago, he said of the guilty verdict on charges of sexual assault and defamation brought by Ms. Carroll, that it was a “disgrace…a continuation of the greatest witch hunt of all time.” Thank goodness we have reached the greatest of the great witch hunts, as I don’t think there can be something greater than the greatest of all time.
Are complaints by our Grievance President justified? Is he an innocent victim of unjust political, feminine, and societal persecution?
As president, did he accomplish what he set out to do? Did he Make American Great Again? Did he unite our people so we could better accomplish great things under common purpose, or did he divide us as we have never been divided before?
What does MAGA mean? Doesn’t it mean Make America White Again? Doesn’t it represent resistance to the browning of America and all those foreign invaders?
Why is Trump the favorite of American Nazis, the KKK, antisemites, and other “Christian” white supremacist groups?
Why do farmers like him? Is it because he gave them subsidies for loss sales of grain crops to China, a problem he himself initiated by putting tariffs on Chinese goods? Should he be thought a hero for solving a problem he created?
Why do gun buyers/owners like him? At bottom, isn’t it because of the fear and mistrust of “the other” he reinforced in our society?
Why do the most-wealthy like him? The answer is too obvious to state.
Why is it that his administration saw the greatest turnover of any in history? What does this say about his judgment of “the best people” and what they thought of him? And if they were the best people, what does that say about a leader who cannot retain them? Ask any competent manager of people and she will tell you.
If witch hunts are the search for hypothetically evil people, I offer that we have actually found a real one.
Bob Moores retired from Black & Decker/DeWalt in 1999 after 36 years. He was the Director of Cordless Product Development at the time. He holds a mechanical engineering degree from Johns Hopkins University
Bob Kopec says
I agree with Mr. Moores.
Mr. Trump is evil, a liar, a name caller, incited a riot at the Capital, a womanizer who denigrates women and who has done nothing for this country other than to make it more hostile. He’s twice impeached, has many pending lawsuits and was convicted of slandering a woman to whom he now owes $5M.
What has this country come to that such an individual would even consider running for ANY elected office, let alone the Presidency.
Barbara Denton says
I refer you to the Durham report. Every thing President Trump said about his 4 year persecution by the Swamp and the Democrats constant lie of Russia, Russia, Russia proved true. Your hatred for Trump and all the good he did is incredible. I pray for people like you as you must be eaten up inside.
Deirdre LaMotee says
Oh how funny! Perhaps you need to read the Durham report rather than Trump’s/ right wing statements.
Should you want the truth, the report was pointless and inconsequential. Poor Durham was motivated by his own bias that got him nowhere.
As far as being “eaten up inside” by Trump, he has destroyed our democracy and continues to
do so. He is a simple narcissist who only cares about one thing: himself.
He belongs behind bars or in Russia with his criminal pal Putin. Yet insecure, bitter people still rally
for him because he spews the hate they feel.