Losing a spouse through death, divorce or disability is a thing most of us never want to think about but as Angela Rieck, Ph.D. found out the hard way – not knowing what’s ahead can compound the misery.
For example, one of the things Rieck learned when her husband died was that she would have to find his 35-year old divorcee decree before she could claim survivor benefits. A problem as she had no idea what state had issued his divorce decree.
That unpleasant surprise is just one of the things Rieck covers in her Chesapeake Forum course, Emotional and Financial Perils of Losing a Spouse created with co-instructor Doris Theune, Ph.D. This popular course, starting on June 7th, is returning for the second time due to overwhelming demand.
The two have created an extensive checklist of tasks survivors are faced with following the death of a loved one – some mundane, some critical and some infuriating – along with ideas for managing the tasks, and accepting help. Collecting that information before disaster strikes, can help alleviate some of the stress and pain afterwards.

Angela Rieck, Ph.D. and Doris Theune, Ph.D.
Emotional and Financial Perils of Losing a Spouse was inspired by a column Angela wrote about what she wished she knew before her husband’s death (https://talbotspy.org/the-widow-and-widowers-gut-punch-by-angela-rieck/). The column received the highest readership and comments – all from widows and widowers who said how much they wished they had know what was coming.
This course will prepare you for what you will need, so that you can focus on your personal grief and your family. You’ll learn to identify tasks that you can delegate to loved ones, and tasks that you shouldn’t delegate. There are many wonderful people that want to help and not so wonderful people that want to take advantage of you. Learn how to recognize them.
Angela Rieck, Ph.D. is a Caroline County native, received her PhD in Mathematical Psychology from the University of Maryland and worked as a scientist at Bell Labs, and other high-tech companies in New Jersey before retiring as a corporate executive.
Doris (Dodie) Theune, Ph.D. holds a Ph.D. in Transformative Adult Learning. As a Senior Vice President at The Bryn Mawr Trust & Estate Division, Dodie held certifications in Financial Planning, Life and Health Insurance, and Series 7 designations. She led a popular seminar series, “Taking Control: Financial Management for Women” and “Retirement Planning.”
Emotional and Financial Perils of Losing a Spouse is a two-session course, Wednesday, June 7th and Thursday June 8th from 10 – 11:30 AM, $30. In person at the Peachblossom YMCA, Easton. To register for this, or any other Chesapeake Forum course, visit https://chesapeakeforum.org
Chesapeake Forum is a nonprofit dedicated to providing continuing education opportunities for residents of the Eastern Shore. If you would like to receive the Chesapeake Forum’s monthly newsletter, please send your contact information to [email protected] with your name and preferred email.
Barbara Manwaring says
I would like to know some of losing a spouse