Democracy is an obstacle to an agenda based on fear.
For the last few years, I have worried that progressives were losing faith in the Constitution. My fear was that dysfunction in Washington would convince progressives that the system of government created by the Constitution no longer worked. I worried that a critical mass of progressives would abandon attempting to win elections and collaborating with moderates and conservatives to enact legislation and take to the streets.
Progressives may yet lose faith in the Constitution but, for now, remain a solid force within the Democratic party. Despite the slow wheels of government resulting from the Constitution’s checks and balances, progressives are not yet ready to storm the Capitol and hang Mitch McConnell.
The right wing, by contrast, has already left the Constitution behind. Led by Donald Trump and other “new Republicans,” extreme conservatives have sought to achieve their agendas through the courts rather than legislation, by executive action by-passing Congress, and, in January 2021, by violence and terrorism.
The right wing has lost faith in democracy. Their actions reflect a belief that, if democracy works, they lose. Because most Americans support reasonable immigration policies, racial justice, and equity, fighting climate change, the right to abortion, and separation of church and state, a functioning democracy is an obstacle to the right-wing agenda.
The January 6 assault on the Capitol may prove to be but the first battle of a war against the Constitution. Led by a President whose career in real estate development was built on circumventing laws and regulations, Trump’s followers sought to block Congress from certifying the 2020 election. The goal was to keep Trump in office despite his electoral loss. Supporters of the coup attempt, then and now, are fine with having a president who was not elected by the people.
The story of Trump is a troubling one, replete with a history of racism, petty and grand theft, and a propensity to lie in the face of overwhelming evidence. Trump, we are learning from the House Select Committee on January 6, knew that he had lost the election but championed half-baked legal analyses and false claims (most created by his followers) to claim the election was stolen.
It may seem obvious that Trump’s claims would disintegrate as courts rejected his false claims, but Trump’s strategy continues to be to double-down on lying while at the same time attempting to set the stage to overturn future elections that he, his followers, or his ideological successor might lose.
Trump, by sheer force of his willingness to argue the ridiculous, has made himself indispensable to a movement that is sufficiently out of sync with mainstream America to never win national power. That is why his followers tolerate him despite evidence of tax fraud, sexual assault, and petty grift.
Trump’s followers, both those who marched on the Capitol and those who continue to dismiss the seriousness of the insurrection attempt, are not so much supporting Trump as attempting to fight democracy. Trump should thus be seen as a means to an end rather than as the end itself. Right-wing extremists want a leader who will deliver policies that correspond to what they think they believe. This means preventing immigration, freezing racial equity, preventing racial reconciliation, and limiting government. By dismantling “the deep state,” the right-wing sees the possibility of their policy agenda winning notwithstanding the wishes of most Americans as expressed through their representatives and President sent to Washington.
If the theory that the right-wing has abandoned democracy is correct, we are in deep trouble. If the right-wing does not regain power by election, it could turn to more serious strategies, which could include bombings, kidnappings, and murders. Efforts could also be made to intimidate moderates and liberals from voting. In short, domestic terrorism. Far-fetched? Read up on what the Proud Boys were up to on January 6.
The fear that right-wingers will turn to enhanced violence is not speculation. They have already done it. A plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Whitmore was foiled, but only after elaborate plans were developed. Pre-meditated attacks on gay-pride events have occurred. And, of course, racially motivated mass shootings have become common.
Does the right want a dictator?
The indifference with which right-wingers have responded to the deadly January 6 insurrection suggests the right is ready to embrace an autocrat, or benevolent dictator (benevolent to the right-wing at the expense of others). Trump was delivering what the right-wing thinks it wants–people of color “put back in their place,” LGBQT people put back in the closet, and a government that operates to perpetuate the status quo. If urban schools do not improve, for example, black progress does not occur. If income security and protection of civil rights are low priorities, the U.S. becomes a less attractive destination for immigrants. The list goes on.
Do not expect right-wingers to call for a dismantling of our system of government openly. Instead, listen to their chants of “USA! USA!” and then listen to what the crowd is cheering. In the case of Trump, it often calls for building border fences, incarcerating Hillary Clinton, or cracking down on crime. Extremists say they want to make America great again. Nothing could be further from the truth.
J.E. Dean is a retired attorney and public affairs consultant writing on politics, government, birds, and other subjects.
Stephen Schaare says
Mr. Dean, Just when I thought you could not possibly go further with your loathing of Donald Trump, you have reached a new low in your obsession.
Donald Trump is no longer President. You pound away at the loss of Democracy. Of course your repeated charges of racism and hating all people of color. Let me share with you that people of color were much better off with Trump. Ask them.
You moan about lying and executive orders. Every time Biden opens his mouth he is lying. “The border is closed” “The Putin price hike”. Seems he signs executive orders every week.
Oh, on Democracy. You ain’t seen nothing yet. Jan 6th? Child’s play. All the violence and burnings by Antifa and BLM in 2020.
Wait until Roe v Wade is announced. There will be bloodletting and burning and mayhem. Democracy gave us the Supreme Court, and they have the final say. This is our form of government. One more thing. I wait patiently for the”roof to be blown off the Capitol” as Jamee Raskin promised with shocking testimony.Just saw a live feed from D.C., the roof remains intact.
Deirdre LaMotte says
When you go through nine months of a pregnancy, then you can spew your opinion about women’s
right to body autonomy. Until then, keep a lid on it.
Stephen Schaare says
Deirdre, What on Earth are you talking about? Did you read the Dean essay?
John Dean says
Thank you for reading the piece. This piece is not about former president Trump. It is about the rise of right-wing extremism. I expect right-wing extremism to survive Trump. The rejection of democracy discussed in the piece resulted from a lot more than just Trump and his “leadership.”
I won’t comment on the rest of your comment except to note that Congressman Raskin’s first name is “Jamie,” not “Jamee.”
Stephen Schaare says
Mr. Dean, Why will you not comment further?
I intentionally misspell Jamie.
Matt LaMotte says
Well said + documented! Ironically, Thos. Jefferson, the primary author of our Declaration of Independence, was serving as our Ambassador to France and could not attend the Constitutional Convention. He did correspond with that august group and, among other recommendations, suggested that it reconvene every generation (35 years +/-) to rewrite it. Maybe that’s way overdue. It sure beats the present alternative!
Alex Sydnes says
“In the 2020 election, just 9 percent of Manhattan voters voted for Donald Trump. In D.C., the Trump support was just 5.4 percent, underscoring that those who live in or near these cities exist in overwhelmingly liberal silos.”
The problem with liberals I’ve noticed is a massive disconnect between reality and very powerful emotional needs, mostly class, race or sex oriented. For instance, if someone discounted the Russiagate conspiracy theory they were labeled tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists. If someone questioned the Covid hysteria it’s misinformation. If someone else suggests black violence is far greater than white violence it’s racism. If someone is concerned about mass non-white immigration possibly destroying social cohesion it’s hate speech. And then there’s sexually mutilating children. That’s transphobic. Next will be man/boy love (homophobia). Or nuclear war (treason). Human cause for climate change (deniers). You really don’t deal with reality anymore. It’s all white, or Christian, or men dumb and bad – everybody else smart and good. isn’t it? Just admit it and cut to the chase. In fact, many “liberals” are bluntly saying this now. And don’t say, well, I’m a white man too. One day they will come for you (or your grandchildren), no matter how much you virtue signal. Happens all the time and will happen much more in the future. Don’t think so? Show me an example of your diversitopia. Where is it after trillions of dollars spent? Do you know that DC spends about $25,000 per year for every man woman and child? San Francisco, $16K. It’s insane. For what? I know all about DC. It’s not going well. Not at all. After 60 years of effort all those “gaps” are still there or growing. Surely you know this.
John Dean says
I appreciate your reading the piece. Let me politely disagree with your comment. I hope you are wrong that “they” will come for me some day.
Jerry McConnell says
Must be frightening peeking around every corner in terror because “they” might be coming for you. Your homophobia and white protectionism must have you gritting your teeth when you think of all that money D C wastes on its worthless inhabitants. Non-liberals should be embarrassed by the fact that they can only whine about things when they have a clownshow of leadership to thank. Opinions presented during happy hour should be edited.
Jerry McConnell says
It’s not a surprise that conservative Christian white nationalists (in full dress as modern day patriots) have little or no respect for our traditional values such as common courtesy, respect and tolerance of the opinions of others. What has evolved after the belligerent and denigrating leadership of D J Trump, however, is a tribe of Americans who refuse to be honest in their thoughts and words. Even worse, the current leadership of this tribe has chosen not to try to be conciliatory, but has decided that more insults, lies, and attacks are the best option. This country’s in a bad place right now, but insecure white Christian ultra conservative militiamen and GOP leadership seems to be determined to make it worse.
John Dean says
Thank you for this insightful comment and for reading the piece.
Rachel Kleinfeld. a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Piece, published “The Rise of Political Violence in the US”. One point she makes:
Political violence still comes overwhelmingly from the right, whether one looks at the Global Terrorism Database, FBI statistics or other government counts. Ideas that were once confined to fringe groups now appear in the mainstream media. People committing planned violence rather than planned hate crimes, are older and more established than typical terrorists. they often hold jobs, are married, and have children. Those who attend church or belong to community groups are more likely to hold conspiratorial beliefs. They are not lone wolves but a part of a community that echoes their idea.
You know, the family next door. The MAGA down the street.
And what we have in real time is a Party that wants to be “more malignant”. Who wins? Ron DeSantis who bans books, discourages vaccinations and attacks the LBTQ community?
Greg Abbott who declares that homosexuality is “abnormal”, seek to disenfranchise Black voters, allow anyone at anytime to carry a concealed gun, force a pregnancy on a woman, and gut funding for public education in favor of homeschooling and Christian fundamentalist “education”?
And don’t forget Eric Greitens, sexual assaulter, and his latest “RINO” hunting video of he and his thick posse
carrying assault weapons breaking into a house.
Who is stopping these imbeciles ? Who among the GOP leadership is saying “enough”? None. They are all complicit in
their greed and hate for democracy. They are also White Supremist, just like the jerks who stormed the Capital.
They will all face a reckoning, just wait…
John Dean says
Thank you for reading the piece and for your comment. I will have to get Kleinfeld’s piece (book?). I appreciate your mentioning it.
Wilson Dean says
Once again, JE Dean has illustrated the serious challenge the cult followers of former President Trump pose to democracy in the United States. They demonstrate a pathetic aversion to critical thinking, and to paraphrase Simon and Garfunkel, “hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest.”
John Dean says
Thank you for reading the piece and for your comment. I like the quote from Simon and Garfunkel.
Jim Moses CDR, USN (Ret.) says
What you write about is the realization of a dream (or nightmare). In the 1990’s, Speaker Gingrich almost single-handedly demolished bipartisanship in the House. Twenty years ago Republican leaders, with Karl Rove as their strategist, began to speak of a “permanent majority.” Grover Norquist vowed to shrink government to where it could be “drowned in the bathtub” by virtually eliminating our ability to properly resource the functioning of that government. Wayne Lapierre was the face of a hijacked NRA and their reinvented Second Amendment. People scoffed when one First Lady spoke of “a vast rightwing conspiracy,” but the name Vince Foster became a household word. In 2016 social media-orchestrated chants of “lock her up “ doomed her presidential candidacy.
The Republican Party has been destroyed, replaced by the authoritarian movement that, as you say, delivers “what the right-wing thinks it wants–people of color ‘put back in their place,’ LGBQT people put back in the closet, and a government that operates to perpetuate the status quo,” caring little for those other than rich white males. With organizations like ALEC writing legislation for it, this activist movement now controls many state houses, local governments and even school boards, and six months from now may control the Congress. We’ve begun to see how deeply it has penetrated our judicial system. Any bets on what protections we take for granted (e.g., the electoral process) will be gone when three quarters of state legislatures – enough to approve Constitutional amendments – have succumbed to this siren song?
Sadly, many still vote for these extremists, believing in good faith that “I must support my party,” not realizing that this is a “party” that today would not nominate a Ronald Reagan, much less a Gerald Ford or George H. W. Bush.
Stephen Schaare says
You describe the Democrats very well
John Dean says
Thank you for your excellent comment. As you might imagine, I fully agree.
Lyn Banghart says
You’ve done it again! Thank you for telling it like it is!
John Dean says
Thank you for your kind words. Much appreciated.
Joe Gamble says
Now someone who wants to “crack down on crime” also wants to dismantle our system of government? I guess the 750,000 law officers who are trying to crack down on crime everyday are really anarchists in disguise.
John Dean says
Thank you for your comment. I should have better qualified the reference to cracking down on crime. I mentioned it in the context of some right-wingers calling for “crackdowns” in the context of black and other low-income neighborhoods. Nobody I know of likes crime, but many of us, including, I would expect, most of the 750K law officers, do not support excessive force by police, or the use of overly-aggressive policing that can reflect racism.
I most definitely don’t believe law enforcement personnel are anarchists in disguise. I do believe that some right-wing extremists would like to see the police do more to “control” people of color.
Thank you for reading the piece and for your comment.
Stephen Schaare says
Police try to help high crime neighborhoods. If many of these happen to be communities of color, so be it.