The sun looks like it’s setting on the Orange Menace. The Republican National Convention, a.k.a. the Trump Show, did not do much for his re-election odds. The death toll from COVID-19, a by-product of Trump’s failed leadership, has topped 185,000. His ham-fisted measures to force schools to re-open are backfiring, exacerbating an already bad situation. And civil unrest shows no sign of ending.
What to do if you are Donald Trump, a man who believes that you can lie, intimidate, cheat, or steal your way out of bad situations? Do you meet with competent advisors, do a candid assessment of the problems faced by America (as opposed to himself) and map a way out of the woods?
Trump’s problem is that the same skills he developed as a sleazy New York real estate developer are the ones he relies on now. There is a serious deficit of competent advisors. Is Betsy DeVos the education expert to guide us on school re-openings? The problem is Trump has precious few competent advisors. His most trusted aides are sycophants. They reinforce Trump’s worst instincts, which, of course, are to ignore laws he doesn’t like, to influence people through fear, and, of course, to lie. These things worked in New York and New Jersey (sort of, because you must remember the bankruptcies), but they are not working now.
The curtain is coming down on Trump and he appears to know it. Thus, sportsman that he is, Trump has turned to a football favorite—the Hail Mary.
Trump’s Hail Marys almost always are based on the destruction, or attempted destruction, of his opponents. Thus, “Crooked Hillary” was created. Unfortunately for America, it worked in 2016. Enough people became convinced Hillary was indeed crooked that they overlooked her accuser’s own personal record. (Of course, insights into Trump’s business ethics through a review of his tax returns were not possible because he refused to release them.)
This time, one of Trump’s early Hail Marys was to do to Joe Biden what he did to Hillary. Trump attempted to paint Biden as corrupt in connection with his troubled son Hunter’s service on the board of directors of the Ukrainian firm Burisma. The implication was that Biden already had done what Trump was being accused of in his sorry episode with Ukraine where he attempted to leverage American military assistance to launch an investigation into Biden’s “corruption.” Talk about a Hail Mary! Discredit Biden and distract attention from your own corruption at the same time. Unfortunately for Trump, he got caught. He got impeached for it. Whatever Biden and his son may have done in Ukraine no longer seems to be an issue among any voters other than the Trump cheering section.
Another Hail Mary has been the effort to paint Biden as a socialist. We all hate communism, don’t we? This Hail Mary involves suggesting that Biden will adopt a New Green Deal, raise everyone’s taxes, encourage abortions up to the date of delivery, and end capitalism. Unfortunately for Trump, Biden has a long track record of being a moderate. That’s why he almost lost the nomination. The “socialism” Hail Mary is proving to be a dud.
Let’s also label the fiasco with the Post Office a Hail Mary. First, he hires Louis DeJoy, a campaign contributor with no experience in running a postal service and with plenty of conflicts of interest. DeJoy is charged with the task of undermining the reliability of the Post Office. Trump now is attempting to suppress turnout by suggesting that mail-in voting is fraught with fraud. The message: Voting by mail is fraught with fraud and your vote might not get counted anyway—so why vote? This Hail Mary backfired. You can call it a fumble. His Postmaster General is now being investigated for attempting to destroy the Post Office. No credible evidence of fraud in the past has been found. Trump has slunk away from the issue.
Most recently, we have been witnessing Trump’s attempt to “fast-track” a coronavirus vaccine. If that vaccine can be developed and announced before election day, maybe voters will forget the series of blunders that could form the basis of a chronicle of Trump’s handling of the virus that could be titled, “While Donald Watched TV.” Trump thinks he could yet emerge as a hero of the pandemic. Sounds like an 80-yard Hail Mary to me. Expect an incomplete pass.
Finally, we have the emergence of Trump as the law-and-order President. This Hail Mary consists of blaming the riots on Democrat governors and mayors, suggesting that Biden and others coddle rioters and may welcome violence, and that only he can stop efforts to defund police. White women and the suburbs are in danger. Unfortunately for Trump, his attempt to capitalize on violence may not be moving the polls in his direction as much as he hoped. What to do? Encourage your supporters to engage in counter-protests. Praise them, even when they engage in violence. And visit troubled cities even when those cities’ mayors plead with you to stay home. Kenosha. Find excuses for police murder and misconduct. Did you see Trump equate the murder of Jacob Blake with a golfer choking and missing a three-foot putt? You can’t make this stuff up.
Expect more Hail Marys in the next 62 days before the election. It will get worse—it always does with a candidate who has no character or conscience. Hopefully, the quality of Trump’s efforts to date is an indicator of what he will come up with next. If that happens, Trump will leave the national political arena for good in January. But don’t forget that it’s dangerous to underestimate Trump. We must make every effort to get out the vote and to encourage people to vote early. Our lives depend on it.
J.E. Dean of Oxford is a retired attorney and public affairs consultant. For more than 30 years, he advised clients on federal education and social service policy.
Gina bell says
Your article is great, should be published everywhere.
John Dean says
Thank you for your kind comment.
Stephen Schaare says
Hi Mr. Dean, But how do you really feel?
John Dean says
Thank you for reading the piece. The message may have been a bit subtle. The President, in my view, is getting increasingly desperate as election day nears. He will turn to additional “Hail Marys” if his polls don’t materially improve.
In any case, I appreciate you reading the piece.
Charlie Bohn says
I am wondering if a turning point not noted by Mr. Dean was the mob of Biden supporters attacking elderly attendees and Senator Paul and his wife leaving the final night of the RNC convention in Washington? I don’t know how Trump arranged that but it was powerful.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Perhaps more “mobs” should storm the Do-nothing US Senate and demand that each Senator live up to his/her oath
of office. People are sick and tired of being “ruled” by that disgrace of a man in the White House and his ridiculous
power-hungry sycophants in the Senate.
John Dean says
Thanks for your comment. I differentiate Biden supporters from the recent protesters. I may have missed something, but I haven’t seen anything linking the “mob” that accosted Senator Paul with Biden or his campaign. More likely,they were anti-Trump people or BLM protesters. Many in DC were unhappy with the use of the White House as a stage for a RNC speech and also did not like seeing the “Trump 2020” fireworks in the sky. These two things may also have had something to do with the crowd that gathered outside of the White House.
In any case, thanks for reading the piece and for commenting.
Mavis Libby says
Wow John, another anti Trump piece…how shocking.
John Dean says
Thank you for reading the piece. Please know I would welcome the opportunity to write about something else. For now, the risk of 4 more years of Trump is motivating me to focus on the upcoming election.
Rick George says
I am an Independent voter. I am a believer in the constitution. I did not vote for Trump in 2016. He is neither a conservative or Republican. I did not vote for Hillary either. She is a terrible candidate. She is not reliable or trustworthy. She should be in jail for treason. Leaving classified documents on an unsecured server is both stupid and criminal. I have watched Trump during his term as President. While I don’t agree with everything he does or the things he says, he has done a good job for America. The media hates him and never gives him a break. He put 2 outstanding Supreme Court Justices on the bench and has really helped the american workers with jobs and pay increases. I am supporting him for re-election. Joe Biden is not the man for the job. 47 years in Politics and he has accomplished nothing noteworthy. Your article is a good read.
Deirdre LaMotte says
I am sorry but your piece makes absolutely no sense. I believe you are showing yourself publicly as an Independent.
You are not. Anyone who feels this deranged man, now revealed In his antipathy to fallen/wounded military, is doing
“A good job” is completely delusional. Hey man, own up to you love of this racist, mentally deranged man. There is no where else to go.
John Dean says
Thanks for your comment. As you might guess, I have a different take on the President. I appreciate you reading the piece.
Stephen Schaare says
Hi Mr. Dean, What if, by some chance, this President wins another term? Sure, great for you and writing in this forum, but could you live through another four years of the “orange menace” ?
I remain troubled
Linda Baker says
Mr Dean, I would just like to say, The “Truth” will come out! Trump has been spied on, demeaned, and attacked from date he was elected. Before actually! He has done more in 3 years than anyone has done in last 30. I can understand you don’t like his strong personality, but he is protecting our country from being taken over by China and communist type people. We are a Free America, just as you are free to spout your hate and drivel, and hopefully we will continue to stay a free nation. We have some people and organizations out there trying to destroy our history, religion, and freedom. One is called Antifa. Look them up. You may be surprised what comes up! You may find conservatives aren’t the enemy!
Stephen Schaare says
Hi Linda Baker, Thank you for a great Thursday . A kindred spirit! I feel much less alone. Are you married?
Deirdre LaMotte says
Do you know what “Antifa” is? Anti-fascist. Look up fascism. He does not have a “strong personality”. He is
an inept man who is way over his head. He uses hate to gain support. Sick, right? I agree.
Perhaps you will never understand this, but he is an enemy of Democracy. Remember that?
There has never been a threat to our nation like this man. And how sad people just love his Nastiness.
I am sorry, but anyone who still thinks this is just fine belongs in Germany, around 1935.
And one’s decedents will still ask….where where you? How mortifying and justified.
Linda Baker says
Deirdre Lamotte, I respectfully believe you are the one who needs to educate themselves. They can call themselves anything they want. Their actions prove they are anarchists, they want to destroy America, destroy our freedom, destroy our religion, etc. They hate Trump, they hate the flag, they hate everything America stands for. They are led and paid by a communist to be out there causing the anarchy. Harris has paid for some of their bails, and has encouraged them to keep on. You spew falsehoods on Trump, but he has shown to be opposite of what you say. Also, look at the arm movements these anarchist do. They raise their arms in the “Hail Hitler” style. Please educate yourself on what this group is all about.
And Steve… Yes, I’m married. Lol!
Deirdre LaMotte says
You know, when one has drunk the Jim Jones kool aid that is now the Trump campaign, there
is nothing to say. Your support of Trump says nothing about him. It says everything about you.
Oh and by the way, I am a life long Republican…now known as a John McCain/Bush Republican.
We have taken the fine standards of the party and left the Trump trash aside.
John Dean says
Thanks for commenting on my “hate and drivel.” Trump could not have said it better. Be sure to read next Wednesday’s Spy . . . .
I did click on the antifa link. I’m not sure what is going on there or who linked it to the Biden campaign.