Donald Trump made history Monday in New York as the first American ex-president ever to face trial for a felony. Trump himself said he “was honored” to be in court Monday, which was curious given that he characterized the trial as a witch hunt, blamed it on Joe Biden, and cried, “Election Interference!”
As I watched the proceedings on MSNBC, I was disgusted. The Morning Joe personalities seemed happy to see Trump in court. They ridiculed his ridiculous statement made before entering the courtroom. They speculated what embarrassing evidence would surface during the trial and seemed happy about the possibility of Trump receiving a jail sentence.
I wondered, even though I want Trump to lose in November, why would I be happy to see him in jail? If Trump is convicted, his sentence would be too much or too little. Both sides will claim political favoritism. Trump himself will claim “victory” if the jury fails to reach a verdict or if Trump’s sentence is suspended. Trump will also use his prosecution to raise funds for his presidential race and to pay for the other trials he may face this year or later.
Regardless of your view of Trump, it is sad for an ex-president to face jail time. This is not to say that Trump should not have been indicted. If you commit the crime, you should do the time. But the spectacle of a grim-faced Trump facing a trial for paying hush money to kill a story of his affair with a porn star is sordid. The sad fact that the country elected a man who had affairs with Stormy Daniels and the Playboy Playmate McDougal suggests that something is wrong with the Constitution and with how our democracy has evolved.
The Trump prosecutions are shaking our faith in our judicial system and, to a significant extent, democracy.
Trump has promised to testify at the trial. Given his penchant for lying, his lawyers are likely to prevent that. If he did testify, however, I would expect him to use the opportunity to blast the judge, prosecutor, the Justice Department, and Joe Biden again. Trump would see it as an opportunity to get free airtime to broadcast a message to his base. I find that depressing.
Although I am a lawyer and ought to know better, I think that Trump ought to be gagged if he engages in conduct demeaning to the court. (Of course, Trump might be hoping he is “gagged” so he can claim a mistrial.)
I tend to dismiss everything Trump says. For example, Trump’s suggestion that Iran would never have sent 300 drones and missiles to Israel if he were president is nonsense. But Trump may have a point about election interference. Trump will likely spend 15, 20, or more days in court in the coming weeks instead of campaigning. That shouldn’t happen, but that doesn’t mean he should not be tried despite being an active presidential candidate. Trump should have quit the race once he was indicted. That’s what a decent human being would do.
Trump will not be quitting his quest to return to power. He has to finish the race and win the presidency to avoid jail. If you can believe the legal pundits on MSNBC, CNN, and a few other channels, Trump is guilty and most likely will be tagged with at least one conviction by November 5, 2024.
If all were right with America, a criminal indictment would have ended Trump’s 2024 presidential quest. It didn’t. Trump’s supporters think Trump should pardon himself on January 20, 2025, and initiate retribution against those who indicted and prosecuted him. What are these people thinking?
The start of the Trump trial eclipsed news coverage of Iran’s attack on Israel. Amazingly, Israel, the U.S., and others shot down 99 percent of the missiles launched by Iran. Had that not happened, the day’s news would be “World War III has started.” Unfortunately, the first Iran attack may not be the last. As Israel contemplates a retaliatory measure, Iran is most likely exploring how to deal a more devasting blow to Israel. As this happens, President Biden is walking the tightrope between support for Israel and trying to avoid a world war. At the same time, too many of us are watching the Trump trial.
Yes, history was made this week as the Trump trial began. This is a sad time for America. Trump must be held accountable but holding him accountable complicates the sacred process of electing a president. Prosecuting Trump might help him get elected. Those two things are one reason that the hush money trial is historic. It is also a reminder that much of history is tragic.
J.E. Dean is a retired attorney and public affairs consultant writing on politics and, too infrequently, other subjects.
Carol Roberts says
It’s striking how easily you seem to overlook the numerous affairs of Mr. Clinton and JFK. Reading this, I can’t help but laugh.
John Dean says
I’m glad the piece made you smile.
The case isn’t about affairs. It is about paying to kill the story’s publication in The National Enquirer and lying about it.
In any case, thank you for reading the piece.
Linda Baker says
Mr. Dean, I understand why you’re really not happy with Trump facing a trial. You as a lawyer know this sets precedent for all Presidents (past and future) to be tried for anything they may have committed also. This could really get interesting if they look into past President’s questionable activities and actions. (I mean Clinton actually had an affair in the Oval Office). And Biden’s past with China looks interesting also, and I must say a little more serious than this farce of a trial Trump is facing.
Is there really a justifiable case here with the “victim” stating it did happen, it didn’t happen (2018 statements)? Or could she have been paid to set Trump up? Hopefully, the truth will be exposed.
Jerry McConnell says
Biden’s “past with China”? Please elaborate, so it doesn’t appear that you’re lying or just making stuff up.
Regarding Trump’s current trial, the case against him went through a grand jury, the evidence presented was enough documentation to charge him with a felony.
Do you believe that he’s in court because he was “set up”? Please explain.
Mickey Terrone says
Hi John. It seems to me that this and the other Trump trials are the culmination of Trump’s horrendous past coming back to confront him publicly in courts that he can’t quite control.
By his running for President of the United States, he is asking us to trust his judgment and rely on his personal integrity as a leader as a Christian to be the leader of the free world again.
That these trials have come together at this time are the result of the time it has taken to pull together the mountains of evidence against him regarding his degenerate, amoral personal life, his attempt to overthrow our American system of government and his crass disregard for our national security and his long term dishonest real estate business dealings. Lest we forget, he has already been convicted for the sexual attack on E.Jean Carroll and he has to pay $175 millions to her pending his appeal. I supposefor someof his evangelical Christian supporters, its OK for Trump to attack Ms. Carroll as long as he didn’t attack their wives, daughters or mothers.
Yet amazingly enough, folks like Mrs. Baker seem more concerned with Bill Clinton’s tryst and Joe Biden’s phantom past with China than the massive, decades long trail of misdeeds, hypocrisy, bigotry, racism, sexually predatorial acts and God only knows how much more he has perpetrated in his shameful life. That so many gullible Americans actually believe in Trump’s evangelical Christian faith is almost beyond reason.
These people support Trump’s plans to impose authoritarian rule in this country. This is the epitome of brainwashing!
Linda Baker says
Again, my point is the precedent has now been set that no President (past or future) is exempt from being legally charged for any questionable activities or actions.
Mr. Terrone, time will tell who has been gullible, and who has been brainwashed.
Bet you believe everything you watch on Television.
Gerry Levin says
I cannot believe anyone would vote for a criminal for President of the United States.
Mickey Terrone says
I can. I believe a brainwashed person could vote for a criminal for POTUS, especially a criminal like Donald J. Trump with such a long, hideous record.
Mary Jean Cole says
A “criminal” like Donald Trump with such a Hideous record? Exactly What crimes have You found him guilty of? What has happened to: Innocent until Found Guilty?? Please explain without insults.
Mickey Terrone says
Ms. Cole, Trump was found guilty of assault on E. Jean Carroll. I know Ms. Carroll isn’t your daughter, or sister or mother but how you can support this thug for president who perpetrated an assault on a woman? If it was your sister or daughter, I think you’d condemn him. Why excuse Trump for this ugly crime, especially after he publicly pronounced his disrespect for all women by claiming he grabs them by the genitals. And of course,he’s currently on trial in NYC for covering up a sexual affair with a porn star just as his wife was giving birth to his youngest son. And of course, there was also the National Enquirer coverup with the former Playboy model and God only knows how many other such extramarital affairs he has had.
The Trump Family Fouundation was officialy closed because of his illegal self dealing. He was forced to pay back millions after defrauding students of Trump University who were found to be cheated out of a legitimate course of study.
Trump was found guilty of fraudulent real estate dealings on loan applications. He had to put up $175,000,000 pending appeal and can no longer do business in New York and could forfeit several of his landmark buildings.
And of course, its pretty clear he orchestrated the attempt to overturn the 2020 election by attacking the US Capitol, not to mention trying to coerce the Georgia Attorney General into finding 11,000 some odd votes. Imaging if Joe Biden had perpetrated such a crime against our US Constiitution! Trump was certainly trying to get Republican leaders in Michigan and Arizone to submit fraudulent electoral votes. He invited them to the White House for strategy sessions.
I’m surprised you don’t think there is any other Republican leader better qualified and more honorable to be POTUS than this gruesome orange charlatan. That many of you think he was sent by God to save America is blasphemous. That many Republicans are willing to hand over our democratic republic to Trump with dictatorial power is obscene. Do you think he’s going to live forever? Clearly, he’s already showing daily signs that he’s losing his memory and his sensibilities are long gone. And what if you don’t like the next authoritarian dictator? Too late!
Ma’am, you really ought to think things through before voting for voting for a slug like Donald Trump. Remember, you don’t have to announce publicly that you voted against him or that you didn’t vote for anyone for president. By the way, you should double check who is whispering to you to vote for Trump. I don’t think its the Holy Spirit. I think its Satan.