University of Maryland Shore Regional Health recognized the loyalty, dedication and service of 367 team members at the annual service recognition lunch and dinner celebrations, held October 10 and 11, 2019 at The Milestone in Easton.
Team members who had reached their 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th and 45th years of service, along with those who had retired during the past year, were honored at the dinner event on October 10, while those celebrating their 10th and 15th years attended the luncheon on October 11. All told, this year’s honored team members represented more than 4,250 years of service to UM Shore Regional Health.

Honored for 45 years of service to UM Shore Regional Health were, l. to r., Vonnie Mende, Roxanne Ward, Lorraine Brice and Sadie Reveron.
“Shore Regional Health is indeed fortunate to enjoy such loyal dedication from its team members,” says Ken Kozel, UM SRH president and CEO. “Nationally,the mean tenure in a health care position is just four years and the average annual turnover rate in hospitals is estimated at 19.1 percent. I am both grateful and proud that in non-clinical as well as clinical areas, our turnover rate is much lower, around 13 percent, and that so many Shore Regional Health team members at all levels choose to be part of the ongoing care we provide our families, friends and neighbors.”
As part of the University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS), University of Maryland Shore Regional Health is the principal provider of comprehensive health care services for more than 170,000 residents of Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot counties on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. UM Shore Regional Health’s team of more than 2,200 employees, medical staff, board members and volunteers works with various community partners to fulfill the organization’s mission of Creating Healthier Communities Together.
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