Does is seem like the times are becoming more and more divisive and eroding our sense of humanity toward one another? Or do we let fear dictate our reactions even while we may believe that love is the answer? People of faith all over the world have welcomed the stranger for millennia believing that something larger than ourselves calls us to do just that. But in these times of great stress, can we still afford to do that; or perhaps more importantly, can we afford not to? The Quakers of Third Haven Friends Meeting in Easton offer a safe and welcoming place to ask these and more questions during their 2020 Film and Discussion Series on Immigration: How Do We Welcome the Stranger?
The rise in human migration around the world has brought many “strangers” to our shores. Our national policies surrounding immigration, both legal and illegal, affect our country in many ways. The documentary films selected for this series explore many of the factors influencing these migrations and their impacts. This year the Quakers are partnering with the Chesapeake Multicultural Resource Center (CMRC) in Easton to add additional depth to the program and will include speakers from CMRC, the Immigration Task Force, and local DACA students.
The series begins with a documentary on unaccompanied minors; two weeks later on March 20, a film is screened on detention centers. The third film in the series, presented on April 3, focuses on the separation of children from their parents while in detention. The series wraps up on April 17 with a film about DACA students and will be followed by a panel of local DACA students for further discussion. The goal of the series is to raise awareness of local impacts as well as offer a safe place to engage in heart-felt discussion. Films are screened after a light supper of soup, bread, and beverages (complimentary) and is open to the public free of charge . The public is invited to join the gathering at 6:00 PM for the first three evenings (March 6, 20, and April 3) and at 5:30 PM on April 17 to accommodate the expanded program. All gatherings will take place in the Common Room on the Third Haven campus at 405 S. Washington Street in Easton (the “new” building behind the old brick meeting house).
Attendance is limited to 50 at each gathering. To reserve a seat or for more information, send email to [email protected] or call (410) 829-0959. Parking is limited, so we ask that the closer parking spaces be left available for those with limited mobility.
When Film
March 6, 2020 The Dreamers (Immigration Documentary, 2018)
6:00 – 9:00 PM Real Story
March 20, 2020 Lost in Detention (2011)
6:00 – 9:00 PM Frontline
April 3, 2020 Separated: Children at the Border (2018)
6:00 – 9:00 PM Frontline
April 17, 2020 The Unafraid (2018)
5:30 – 9:00 PM Anayansi Prado and Heather Courtney
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