The Academy Art Museum exhibitions are funded by the Maryland State Arts Council, the Talbot County Arts Council, and Chesapeake Publishing.
Members’ Exhibition
August 19 – October 9, 2016
The Academy Art Museum’s Annual Members’ Exhibition represents the best of the region’s artists and offers an opportunity to view the creative talents of colleagues and friends. The mediums include drawing, painting (oil, acrylic, watercolor), pastel, graphics, photography, mixed media, video art, jewelry, sculpture, and other applications. This year the judge will be Jack Rasmussen, PhD, Director and Curator of the American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center. He previously held executive director positions at di Rosa Preserve: Art & Nature, Maryland Art Place, and Rockville Arts Place. He was the owner and director of Jack Rasmussen Gallery in Washington, DC.
Peter Milton: Living Old Master
Through August 7, 2016
Peter Winslow Milton (1930) is a major force in the printmaking world. Milton conveys meaning through a contextual environment of people, places, and moments in time. A creator of black and white etchings and engravings that often display an extraordinary degree of photo-realistic detail placed in the service of a truly visionary aesthetic, his themes include architecture, history, myth, and memory, their intersections and hidden juxtapositions.
Ernie Satchell: A Few of MY Favorite Things
Through August 7, 2016
The exhibition features the ceramics of artist Ernest Satchell, a native of the Eastern Shore and retired professor from UMES. Under the tutelage of his mentor Jimmie Mosely and visiting professor Kenneth Beittel from Pennsylvania State University, he became proficient in throwing large vessels and found his true calling … ceramics.
Selections from the Grover Batts Collection
Through August 7
During his lifetime, Washington resident Grover Batts donated close to 200 works on paper to the Museum, thereby helping the collecting direction the Museum might take. Upon his death in July 2014, Batts left dozens of artworks to the Museum. His magnanimous gift includes works by renowned late 19th and 20th century American and European artists.
Inspired by the Bay: A Painting Workshop
Instructor: Matthew Hillier
3 days, Friday – Saturday and Sunday, August 26, 27, 28
Time: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Cost: $190 Members, $220 Non-members
Summer Challenge – A Painting a Day for 15 Days!
Instructors: Katie Cassidy and Diane DuBois Mullaly
3 weeks: Thursdays August 11, 18 & 25, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Cost: $120 Members, $150 Non-members
For the Pastelist: Summer Mentoring Sessions
Mentor: Katie Cassidy
4 Sessions: Wednesdays, August 10, 17 24 and 31
Time, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Cost: Members: $110 – 4 sessions or $35 drop in, Non-members: $140 – 4 sessions or $40 drop in
iPhone & Tablet Classes
iPhone Class
Instructor: Scott Kane
2 Days, Wednesdays August 3 and 10
6 – 8 p.m.
Cost per class: $50 Members, $80 Non-Members
Run Your Smart Home on Your Android or iPhone Smartphone
Instructor: Scott Kane
Wednesday, August 31
6 – 8 p.m.
Cost per class: $30 Members, $50 Non-members
Organizing, Storing and Sharing Photos with Your Smartphone
Instructor: Scott Kane
2 Days: Wednesdays, August 17 and 24
6 – 8 p.m.
Cost per class: $50 Members, $80 Non-members
Medieval Castles, Art, and All the King’s People
Ages 6-8
Instructor: Deborah Scales
Monday-Friday, August 8-12
9:30 a.m. -12:00 noon
Cost: $125 Members; $135 Non-members
Papier Mâché Sculpture
Ages: 10-13
Instructor: Theresa Schram
Monday-Friday, August 15-19
10:00 a.m. -12:00 noon
Cost: $100 Members; $110 Non-members
For further information on any exhibitions, classes, or programs or to register, visit or call 410-822-2787.
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