Church Hill Theatre announces auditions for the April production of On Golden Pond. The play is written by Ernest Thompson who won an Academy Award for the screenplay, starring Henry Fonda and Katherine Hepburn. Directed by Bonnie Hill, this classic dramedy is an invitation to experience “a slice of life” with Ethel and Norman Thayer.
Having spent the past 48 summers on Golden Pond in Maine, the Thayers return to their idyllic home. Their tranquility is interrupted by a visit from their divorced daughter and her new fiancé, along with his teenage son.
Auditions at the Church Hill Theatre will be held on Tuesday, January 2 and Thursday January 4 at 6 pm and on Saturday January, 6 at 10 am. Production dates are April 6 through April 22, 2018.
On Golden Pond requires 4 men and 2 women, and the characters break down as follows:
Norman Thayer (age Late 60s-80) A cantankerous retired college professor, who is not politically correct. Sharp-tongued, with a dry sense of humor.
Ethel Thayer (age 60-75) Norman’s wife. Loving and cheerful.
Charlie Martin (age 40-50) Mailman, and Chelsea’s former summer boyfriend. Maine accent. Easy-going and laughs a lot.
Chelsea Thayer (age 35-45) Daughter to Ethel and Norman. Tart-tongued and dry humor like her father. High strung.
Bill Ray (age 40-50) Chelsea’s fiancé. Serious, but with sense of humor.
Billy Ray (age 12-15) Bill Ray’s son. Intelligent, smart-mouthed, somewhat guarded.
Familiarity with the play is beneficial, and actors should be prepared to do cold readings from the script. For additional information, call CHT at (410) 556 -6003 or Bonnie Hill at (410) 348-5181 or email: [email protected].
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