A Year in New Mexico, a show of botanical drawings by local artist Anna Harding, will be on view from March 1-31 in the gallery at the St. Michaels Library.
While living at 7,000 feet in the Gila wilderness of the southwest corner of New Mexico from 2015-2016, Harding used her time to create a body of work, observing and documenting with graphite and colored pencils the native and non-native plants of the high desert.
Her work is drawn to scale and with botanical accuracy, with the goal of recreating for the viewer a true representation of the wonder and beauty of this part of our country.
“During my time in New Mexico I continued to be surprised and delighted by how the trees and flowers changed and bloomed through the four seasons I lived there. While botanical art is interesting to look at, perhaps the larger intention of my work is to inspire others to wake up more fully to the wonder around us. We might all slow down and investigate the small miracles of the natural world in a way that engages us with curiosity and appreciation. “
Harding maintains a studio in her Talbot County home and is a student of Lee Dzmura.
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