The Queen Anne’s County Republican Central Committee is proud to announce that Grover Norquist, founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform, will be the speaker at their annual Reagan Day Dinner, to be held on May 24, 2012 at the Prospect Bay Country Club.
According to Diana Waterman, president of the QACRCC “This is a rare opportunity for the people of Queen Anne’s County to hear from one of today’s most influential and powerful voices for controlling government spending and protecting American’s wallets.”
“Under Grover’s leadership Americans for Tax Reform has transformed American politics” added QACRCC Vice-Chair Andi Morony. “The Taxpayer Protection Pledge allows voters to hold politicians accountable to their promises in a way that was never before possible.”
The evening will also feature the presentation of the 2011 Republican of the Year Award. This award is given to the Queen Anne’s County Activist who has “gone above and beyond” to help the County and State Republican Party.
The dinner will be May 24th at the Prospect Bay Country Club, starting at 6:00 PM. Tickets are $60 for individuals and $100 for VIP seating. Tables and sponsorships are available as well. Tickets can be purchased online at or mail your check payable to QACRCC to P.O. Box 265, Centreville, MD 21617.
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