Hillary Clinton lost the Nov. presidential election. She may have garnered 2.6 million popular votes more than Trump. However, she lost in the electoral college. That will not change. It is a fact. End of story. Like it or not, Donald Trump destroyed two politicly American dynastic families, the Bushes, and the Clintons. Quite a feat. One which will undoubtedly be included in a history book and debated in political classes for years to come.
Enough of the American voters, in enough states, voted to Elect Donald Trump, President of the United States. For many reasons, frustrated and anxious Americans wanted a change. Change very different from the change by President Barack Obama just eight years earlier. Sort of reminds me of the slogan of the 1920 Warren Harding campaign, “A Return to Normalcy.” The 1920’s was a volatile and diverse time. Not all positive and productive. The next four years may prove if history repeats itself, or new chapters will be written. It was fascinating to watch Wisconsin go for Trump. That state had voted Democratic in the last seven presidential elections. No poll before the election gauged the anxiety and angst in the nation, especially in states between the two coasts.
Maryland really is out in the cold, politically. Trump did not carry the state. Governor Hogan did not support Trump. The Maryland congressional delegation is predominately Democratic, with only Congressman who is a Republican. Is Andy Harris. The new Democrat Senator is from Montgomery County and has already been named to heady the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Then the first action of the new Baltimore City Council was to unanimously pass a resolution to belittle and chastise the new President-Elect. A real neophyte error for a municipal government in need of federal assistance.
The election is over. Hillary lost, and Obama will be leaving the White House. The efforts by advocates for the losing party has been offering excuse after excuse for the Clinton loss. The Russians were involved trying to influence the U.S. elections. Fake news sank the campaign. FBI Director Comey caused the Clinton campaign loss. The campaign did not appear in states they took for granted, such as Michigan. The facts are that the Hillary campaign simply failed. A coronation was not in the cards in 2016.
Americans came out and voted. Frustrated, disappointed, having waited for years, for improvement in their conditions to improve. Many middle-class voters spoke out and forced the change to happen. Changes which are taking place, as the reality of the election goes forward. A cabinet is being appointed.
Transition teams are meeting daily. Inaugural platforms and bleachers are being erected. There tangible examples of the transfer of power, in the United States, which occurs every four or eight years. January 20th, inauguration day is rapidly arriving. Washington D.C., and the rest of the nation is getting ready for the 45th President, Donald J. Trump.
Hillary, lost. The author, Richard Castle, wrote: “People change when you’re not looking”. To a large degree, that is what happened in the 2016 election. First, the Bernie Sanders phenonium threatened Hillary. Then, along came Donald Trump. Trump proved that people had changed. Especially middle-class folks in America. People had change while Hilly was rooted in the past. She produced numerous position papers, but failed to engage with many voters who cared less for vague platitudes but wanted conclusive promises, with specific outcomes. Donald Trump tapped into these desires. He now needs to deliver on those promises.
The Trump administration will certainly be different. Already implementing changes and planning more, government-wide. Trump faces enormous challenges. One of the initial challenges is the cyber-attack the Russians may have launched during this year’s presidential election. Also, the necessity to improve the US. Governments understanding and significance of this issue in national security and threats to the economy of the country.
While many still question the legitimacy of a Trump presidency. However, the inauguration of a Trump presidency will occur shortly.
Hillary won. It is time to move on.
Joan Murray says
You are correct, Hillary did win. But it was by 2.8 million popular votes, not 8.2 million.
Rem Simpson says
No one seems to want to mention that one big reason she lost is that she was not trusted. She was/is a liar, careless with state secrets and crooked in the way she tried to manipulate the primaries. Her record of improprieties goes way back. Way back. Way before the money grubbing speeches. No punishment for any of this. Americans were/are tired of it.
Carol Voyles says
Hillary has been stalked, but never convicted despite the best of her opposition’s efforts. Lies? She’s hardly in Trump’s league. He’s been ranked the least truthful of the recent presidential candidates. As for manipulation, let’s keep an eye out for improprieties that will likely include nepotism and unconstitutional conflicts of interest.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Wow. Time to simmer down. Curious that the man who won the electoral college but lost the popular vote considers truth an “inconvenient concept” yet referred to his opponent as “lying”. Combine that with his hate filled rhetoric every time he opens his mouth and you’ve got quite a monster. Sorry, we all have quite a monster to deal with thanks to people who lack critical thinking.
Charles Hopkins says
8.2 million votes more than Trump? I think the author should check his Facts. Destroy? I don’t think so. Hillary & Bill are still alive & well. Dynasties? I don’t think so. A dynasty is something that lasts for more than a generation or two or even three. Since when did the Talbot Spy begin to employ the rhetorical devices of yellow journalism?
William Burton says
I can only imagine the continuing corruption in DC had Hillary won. It is a new day and a new way of approaching things from a viewpoint of “what is” rather than “what do you wish it were”. We will begin to deal with reality rather than unicorns and moonbeams.
Thank you President Elect Trump for a new and different landscape
Willard Engelskirchen says
Evidently the author does not think that a close election (100,000 votes would have swung the electoral college), plus Comey, plus our new best friend Putin’s influence, was enough to cause us to think about this a bit.
IMHO our democracy will survive this if Trump can be controlled. Barely. But not another one…… We need strong stable candidates next time around.
Who knows, even the Republicans in Congress may tire of the Donald, he may do something stupid enough to get their attention, or he may just get bored with the job.
I would love to have had the opportunity to meet and talk to either of the Bushes, Carter, Reagan, Ford, Clinton, or Obama. Trump, not so much.
Bill Corba says
Quite a long piece if drivel to tell us Trump won.