In my considerations on voting for the County Council, I ask why the current Council members voted the way they did on many important issues.
For instance, why did the Council vote to move funds from the capital budget to the operating budget when dealing with school expenses? This move meant the need to borrow more, thus increasing the overall expense for capital improvements. This borrowing falls on the backs of our grandchildren.
Why did the Council vote to allow an increase in our noise ordinance with deaf ears to vehement citizen protest?
Why did the Council push (thankfully unsuccessfully) for a “Planned Redevelopment District” that would have allowed any kind of development anywhere in the County if three Council members voted for a specific project? That is too much power in the hands of a few.
Why did the Council pass legislation to allow construction of open sewage ponds and other construction in non-tidal wetlands in the County?
Why did the Council not restrict short term rentals to properties where the owner lives and oversees, instead of opening up such rentals to distant owners trying to make a buck at the expense of neighbors’ property rights?
These and other important issues resulted alike, with three Council members consistently voting as a block: Jennifer Williams, Chuck Callahan, and Corey Pack. The only incumbent running, Laura Price, independently voted for the benefit of Talbot County concerned citizens.
I urge you to vote for her and for three others who will listen to and work for the citizens: Pete Lesher, Naomi Hyman, and Kesha Haythe. Why? With these people on the Council, Talbot County’s future will be in good hands.
Abby Lewis
David Lloyd says
Agree 100%! In particular, having participated in sessions where the outpouring of opposition to increasing the permissible noise limit was extraordinary — and obvious! — I still cannot believe Ms Williams not only ignored residents’ concern but asked no questions and gave no reasons for her vote! And, neither did Mr Pack or Mr Callahan.