In part two of Christine Dolan’s long tirade in the Star Democrat against the Republican Central Committee of Talbot County (and others) she asks the question “Why would David Reel write a letter with Nick Panuzio’s name on it for Talbot Spy without Panuzio even reading it?”
Christine — I have a question for you. “Why did you not have the common decency and sense of fair play to ask me that question directly? Is asking a question without reaching out to the person who can best answer it something you learned at CNN or from Ben Bradlee?
Since you chose not to ask me your question before fact checking your commentary, I will answer it here.
I wrote the letter for several reasons.
I wrote it because you and others have relentlessly and unfairly attacked the Republican Central Committee of Talbot County.
As a current member of and as former Secretary of the Central Committee, I felt an obligation to my Committee colleagues to address your rants.
I wrote it for Nick Panuzio as he was indisposed with a stay in the hospital and is also grieving over the recent death of his sister.
The facts are Nick was made aware of my writing the letter, he read it, he signed off on it and he agreed to have his name attached to it by virtue of his position as Chair of the Republican Central Committee.
The bottom line is, had you contacted me, I would have told you all of this. If you were a real investigative journalist focused on seeking information rather than advancing an agenda you would have been interested to know that information.
Your shock and indignation that someone wrote a piece for someone else to sign and submit to the media is incomprehensible. As a former political director at CNN you know full well that countless elected and appointed officials at every level of government and politics throughout this nation have individuals who write news releases, guest commentaries, op-ed pieces, speeches and related communications pieces for them. Even CNN news anchors use scripts prepared for them by others which makes them news readers, not news writers.
Ms. Dolan, I suggest you stop portraying yourself as an investigative journalist and acknowledge your current role is nothing more than a person with an agenda and no concerns about publishing your opinions without providing people you name in your rants a chance to tell their side of the story.
Maybe that works with the steadily declining number of CNN viewers, but the citizens of Talbot County deserve better. Much better.
David Reel
Christine Dolan says
Mr. Reel:
I interviewed Mr. Panuzio. His name was on the response to David Montogomery’s column in the Talbot Spy.
Panuzio and I have mutual friends going back decades in DC.
Panuzio told me he “did not read or write” the Response to Montgomery’s column before it was published.
Panuzio stated, “I have not seen it.”
He claimed he was in the hospital since the previous “Friday.”
He stated he was “mad as hell at David Montgomery” for writing his Talbot Spy column calling for the cleanup of the GOP Central Cmte.
I asked him, “Who wrote it?”
Panuzio stated “another guy.”
I asked him, “Matt Albers?”
He said, “No, another guy.”
I said, “Who?”
Nick Panuzio said, “David Reel.”
I bought some fleurs for Panuzio and went to the hospital. I thought that the decent thing to do. Guess I was mistaken. Upon arrival, a nurse stated he just had been taken downstairs; a man named “Ray” was taking him home. Panuzio did not share with me over the phone that he was about to be discharged. I gave the fleurs to someone else.
I duly note your attack on me professionally. I find your characterization of my career a very sexist comment.
Doubt you would say that to the Editor of the Star Democrat.
For your information, Craig Fuller of this Talbot Spy was with the Reagan/Bush administrations when I was Political Director of CNN. My career certainly did not stop there!
Merry Christmas,
Christine Dolan
Investigative Journalist