“An Art for All Seasons,” an exhibition of botanical art featuring the work of Lee D’Zmura and Anna Harding, will be presented at the Talbot County Free Library, 100 W. Dover Street in Easton. The show runs from Thursday, December 5, 2019 through Friday, January 3, 2020.
An opening reception will be held on Thursday, December 5 between 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. On Thursday, December 12 at noon the artists will present an hour-long Lunch and Learn program, “Reflections on Botanical Art.” Both events are free and open to the public.
“An Art for All Seasons” features drawings and paintings in watercolor, graphite, and colored pencil. Each image illustrates, in detail and to scale, the beauty of the natural environment. Anna Harding explains, “Botanical art is one of witnessing the small and often overlooked things around us that create beauty in the world outside our doors. By examining closely, almost with the eyes of scientists, botanical artists record the details and mysteries of plants and insects.”
Exhibit guests will be treated to a refined and accurate view of many different species of flora native to the Eastern Shore. Some of the work will depict the later stages of a plant’s life cycle, showing the broken, frayed, dry, and spent parts of the flower. This concept, known as wabi-sabi, is one of expressing beauty through the imperfections and transience of nature.
Lee D’Zmura is a master water-colorist and former landscape architect. Anna Harding is a Maryland Master Naturalist. Both women are members of the St. Michael’s Art League and The Working Artists Forum, and are teachers of botanical art at Adkins Arboretum.
Susan Peel says
Eager to see this exquisite works at close range!