Talbot County Government recently honored 43 County employees with awards for years of service. Like last year, awards were delivered to individual County departments by Talbot County Council President Chuck Callahan, Vice President Pete Lesher, Councilmember Frank Divilio, and Clay Stamp, County Manager.
Chuck Callahan, President of the Talbot County Council, comments, “We have an extraordinary group of County employees who work selflessly to serve the citizens of our county. Honoring their years of service is one way we can thank them for their dedication, especially as they reach these significant milestones in their employment service with us. We applaud all County employees for continuing to step up through the pandemic and make Talbot County the special place that it is.”
The following Talbot County employees were honored: 35 Years of Service: Scott Patterson and Charles Taylor. 30 Years of Service: Kevin Wilson. 20 Years of Service: Tommy Haddaway, Jason Spies, Elisa Deflaux, David Larmore, Karen Greene, and Ellen Grunden.
15 Years of Service: Lisa Dukes, Raymond Conrad, Drew Dickerson, Donna Haddaway, Ben Diefenderfer, Claude Joyner, Matt Lewis, Derek West, Milton Cornish, Sgt. Joey Timms, and Major Scott Mergenthaler. 10 Years of Service: Cindy Green, Luisa Stanley, and Cpl. Taylor Leeson. 5 Years of Service: Melvin Wilson, Vernon Cephas, Ryan Kerr, Sonya Burton, Scott Collins, Fred Jarrell, Melody Whitley, Cody Lomax, Ciana Dean, Amanda Jones, Rachel Cox, Taylor Lowery, Brandon Brewer, Emily Gilmore, Cpl. Jeffrey Smith, Sgt. Ronald Crouch, Deputy 1st Class – Anthony Rounds, Colin Carmello, Ruth Drummer, and Russell Lease.
Employees were honored in the following County departments.
Department of Corrections – Pictured left to right, front row, are Cindy Green, 10 years; Luisa Stanley, 10 years; and Lisa Dukes, 15 years. Pictured back row, left to right, are Council Vice President Pete Lesher; Melvin Wilson, 5 years; Vernon Cephas, 5 years; Councilmember Frank Divilio; and Terry Kokolis, Director of the Department of Corrections. Not pictured are Raymond Conrad, 15 years and Charles Taylor, 35 years.
Department of Emergency Services – Pictured left to right are Drew Dickerson, DES-EMS, 15 years; Ryan Kerr, DES-EMS, 5 years; Donna Haddaway, DES-911, 15 years; Tommy Haddaway, DES-Tech, 20 years; Council President Chuck Callahan, Councilmember Frank Divilio, and Council Vice President Pete Lesher. Not pictured are Sonya Burton, DES-911, 5 years; Scott Collins, DES-911, 5 years; Fred Jarrell, DES-911, 5 years; Melody Whitley, DES-911, 5 years; Cody Lomax, DES-911, 5 years; Ciana Dean, DES-911, 5 years; and Amanda Jones, DES-EMS, 5 years; Rachel Cox, DES-EMS, 5 Years; Ben Diefenderfer, DES-EMS, 15 years; Claude Joyner, DES-EMS, 15 years; Matt Lewis, DES-EMS, 15 years; and Jason Spies, DES-EMS, 20 years.
IT Department – Pictured left to right are Councilmember Frank Divilio and Derek West, 15 Years.
Planning & Zoning Department – Pictured left to right are Councilmember Frank Divilio, Elisa Deflaux, 20 Years; and Council Vice President Pete Lesher.
Roads Department – Pictured left to right are Taylor Lowery, 5 years; Milton Cornish, 15 years; Kevin Wilson, 30 years; Brandon Brewer, 5 years; Warren Edwards, Roads Superintendent, Council President Chuck Callahan, Councilmember Frank Divilio, and Council Vice President Pete Lesher.
Parks & Recreation Department – Pictured left to right are Clay Stamp, County Manager; Council Vice President Pete Lesher; David Larmore, 20 years; Emily Gilmore, 5 years; Council President Chuck Callahan, Councilmember Frank Divilio, and Preston Peper, Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation.
Sheriff’s Department – Pictured left to right are Cpl. Jeffrey Smith, 5 years; Council President Chuck Callahan, Sheriff Joe Gamble, Major Scott Mergenthaler, 15 years; Council Vice President Pete Lesher, Councilmember Frank Divilio, and Sgt. Joey Timms, 15 years. Not pictured are Sgt. Ronald Crouch, 5 years; Deputy 1st Class Anthony Rounds, 5 years; and Cpl. Taylor Leeson, 10 years.
State’s Attorney’s Office – Pictured left to right are Karen Greene, 20 years; Scott Patterson, 35 years; Colin Carmello, 5 years; and Councilmember Frank Divilio. Not pictured is Ellen Grunden, 20 years.
Finance Office – Ruth Drummer, 5 years (not pictured).
Public Works – Russell Lease, 5 years (not pictured).
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