The Eastern Shore chapters of the League of Women Voters were informed yesterday that Rep. Andy Harris won’t participate in the planned 1st District due to a previous engagement.
The Forums will still be held on April 21 for the other 1st District primary U.S. House candidates.
Two forums will be held Sunday, April 21, at Chesapeake College for Democratic and Republican candidates running in this year’s primary elections for the U.S. House of Representatives in Maryland’s 1st congressional district.
The Eastern Shore chapters of the League of Women Voters, in partnership with WHCP-FM, the Spy Newspapers, and the APG-Star Democrat, are sponsoring the event. It is free and open to the public.
The forums will occur at Cadby Theater, Chesapeake College, 1000 College Circle, in Wye Mills. Democratic candidates will appear from 1:15 pm to 2:45 pm and Republican candidates from 3:15 pm to 4:45 pm.
The following candidates, certified by the State Board of Elections, have been invited:
Blane H. Miller III (D-Harford Co.)
Blessing T. Oluwadare (D-Harford Co.)
Chris Bruneau, Sr. (R-Harford Co.)
Andy Harris (R-Dorchester Co.) Declined
Michael Scott Lemon (R-Caroline Co.)
Glenna Heckathorn, Co-President of the League of Women Voters of the Mid-Shore, will moderate. Additional questions will be taken from the audience via notecards. Voters are encouraged to attend and learn more about the candidates and their positions on issues that impact the Eastern Shore. The 1st district includes all of Maryland’s Eastern Shore, plus part of the Western Shore.
The League of Women Voters chapters hosting the forums represent Queen Anne’s County, Kent County, and the Mid-Shore (Caroline, Dorchester, and Talbot counties.) Coverage by Mid- Shore media partners WHCP-FM, the APG Star-Democrat, and the Spy Newspapers will help publicize the event.
Mickey Terrone says
I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you. The LOWV just doesn’t understand Congressman Harris. This special man, sent directly by God to represent the 1st Congressional District of Maryland requires any questions addressed to him be written on index cards in advance of any public meeting so that his answers can be appropriately evasive and deceptive. And,of course, as a member of the Freedom Caucus, Rep. Harris considers himself free from having to deal with pesky constituents who question his abysmal voting record.
Alan Boisvert says
I’m shocked !!!
Bob kopec says
Time to go Andy …
Hal De Bona says
Also shocked! What’s a matter Andy? Did they say no firearms allowed?