On Friday, September 28, the Queen Anne’s County School District will “Go Purple” in support of the QAC Goes Purple campaign to build awareness of the critical opioid epidemic facing the community. “Purple Friday” at the schools will support the prevention effort lead by the QAC Sheriff’s Office and the QAC Drug-Free Coalition. Staff and students in all buildings, and at central office, are encouraged to wear purple to show their support of this countywide initiative.
Queen Anne’s County Public Schools is committed to helping parents and students learn about the importance of preventing the use of opioids, and empowering youth to take a stand against all substance abuse.
“To curb this epidemic, prevention is the key,” said Dr. Andrea Kane, Superintendent of Queen Anne’s County Public Schools. “Addiction afflicts so many in this county, and our task with students is to give them age-appropriate information, encourage them to make good life decisions, and prevent a future of addiction.”
A “Purple Poster” contest will also be launched for the best message against substance abuse. Prizes will be awarded for the winning poster from elementary, middle and high school categories with a winner announced in November. To encourage participation in the schools’ Purple Friday campaign, the Kent Island Chick-fil-A restaurant is also participating with an extended offer: anyone wearing purple to Chick-fil-A on September 28 will receive a free cookie or ice cream cone with the purchase of a meal via the Chick-fil-A app, as a mobile order or in-store scan.
The QAC Go Purple project is based on THP Project Purple, an initiative of the Herren Project, founded by former NBA player Chris Herren, who struggled with drug dependency. Through his journey and recovery, Herren has become a powerful motivational speaker on substance abuse. He is scheduled to speak at 7 p.m. on November 13 at Kent Island High School in Stevensville. This event is free and open to the public. In addition to the evening event, Herron is set to speak at two in-school assemblies that week.
QAC Goes Purple is an initiative from the Queen Anne’s County Office of the Sheriff and Queen Anne’s County Drug-Free Coalition, in partnership with the Opioid Intervention Team/QAC Department of Health, Queen Anne’s County Public Schools, Queen Anne’s County Commissioners and the Mid-Shore Community Foundation. For more information on the campaign, visit QACGoesPurple.org.
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