It may take months, if not years, to truly understand the impact of the COVID pandemic on Talbot County but there is little doubt that Talbot Hospice has been on the front line of this crisis since it started in March of last year.
With now forty years of experience in end-of-life management, Talbot Hospice took on a massive undertaking on not only supporting those directly impacted by the deadly virus but had to quickly pivot to safely provide for those in its care and continue its grief services.
Very few people would be surprised that Talbot Hospice met this challenge, least of all Sheila Monahan, its current board president. Nonetheless, as the organization begins celebrating four decades of service to the community, it seemed like a very good time to talk to Sheila about how Hospice has fared during this difficult time.
The Spy sat down with Sheila a few weeks ago about the current work of Hospice as well as early preparations for its 40th birthday party planned for October.
This video is approximately four minutes in length. For more information about Talbot Hospice and how to volunteer please go here.
Jeff Hart says
What a blessing to hear what Talbot Hospice has to offer and is offering to families in the area. And to have the news come from a good next door neighbor and friend. Our street has had 2 longtime neighbors go through trauma at the end of life. Again to have the service provided through trained professionals nearby in our community is a blessing.