Members of The Academy for Lifelong Learning CBMM (ALL) recently enjoyed a trip to Poplar Island to see the progress being made in the reconstruction of this historical Chesapeake Bay Island. In the early 1990s, an effort was initiated by the Port of Baltimore, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Maryland Environmental Service to use material dredged from shipping channels of the upper Bay to rebuild Poplar Island. At that time only 10 acres of the island remained but today, at four miles long, the restored 1140 acre site approximates its 1847 outline, which had been renowned for its waterfowl, terrapins, fish and crabs. Construction began in 1998 and is expected to continue until 2020. When complete, the island will be equally divided between tidal marsh and upland, and will provide habitat for a variety of migratory and resident wildlife. Already the island is teaming with wildlife and each visit to the island brings new discoveries.
ALL sponsors several outings a year to the island with trips scheduled for July 20 and August 7, both from 9am to 12 noon. For information about these and other ALL programs, please call the Academy for Lifelong Learning at the CBMM at 410-745-2916 or download a catalog online at (Photo Courtesy of Hunter H. Harris)
Nancy says
ALL sponsors many very nice classes. They have something for everyone.
The Talbot Spy does an outstanding job reporting all the local news/activities.