The Notre Dame of Maryland University will be offering courses towards a Master’s in Gifted and Talented Education beginning Fall of 2013.
This will be an Information Session on Tuesday, April 9, 2013, at 5pm in room HEC 110 of the Eastern Shore Higher Education Center, located on the Chesapeake College Wye Mills Campus.
The full Master’s degree consists of ten courses. Educators may complete all ten courses to complete the Masters in Gifted and Talented. Educators who have a Master’s degree and complete all ten courses will earn a Certificate of Advanced Study in Education (CASE). Educators who hold a Master’s degree may take just the six courses needed for Certification in Gifted & Talented Education which are both NCATE Certified and MSDE Approved.
Contact Deb Urry at the Higher Education Center with questions at [email protected] or 410-827-5761.