February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. For All Seasons wants to share tips for parents and caregivers to share with teenagers in their homes about developing happy, healthy relationships.
“Adolescence is a key time for learning to form safe and healthy relationships. Unfortunately, many teens may lack the skills to develop and maintain healthy relationships or to break up appropriately when relationships become unhealthy. It is essential that parents and caregivers talk to teens. Even if you don’t know what to say, you can check in and keep lines of communication open. Your involvement in a teen’s life can make a huge difference and can help them recognize healthy vs. unhealthy relationships,” states Beth Anne Dorman, President & CEO of For All Seasons.
According to the website teensforcourage.org, there are several elements of a healthy relationship. It is built on mutual trust, honesty, and respect; includes good communication, compromise, and consent; encourages individuality and self-confidence; and involves staying calm during conflicts and supporting one another. Unhealthy relationships, on the other hand, can involve a power imbalance where trust, honesty, and compromise are lacking; feature poor communication and uncontrolled anger; may become physically, emotionally, or sexually violent; and often include manipulation, possessiveness, control, dependence, or disrespect.
Teens struggling with whether to stay in an unhealthy relationship or leave should seek the help of a trusted adult or professional. Having someone to support them when relationships are unhealthy is essential to helping them care for themselves and create a framework for a better understanding of what is happening.
For All Seasons offers services through virtual and in-person “walk-in” appointments during select hours if a teen or adult needs support. Further information is available on its website ForAllSeasonsInc.org.
For All Seasons provides the highest quality mental health and victim services to children, adults, and families across the Mid-Shore and throughout the state of Maryland. Services are offered in both English and Spanish and include therapy, psychiatry, victim advocacy, 24-hour crisis hotlines, outreach, and community education. For information about For All Seasons walk-in hours, contact For All Seasons at 410-822-1018 or visit ForAllSeasonsInc.org.