Character Counts Mid Shore (CCMS) recently hosted its annual volunteer appreciation dinner at The Milestone in Easton to honor the hundreds of Character Coaches who teach character lessons based on the Six Pillars of Character throughout the school year. This celebration provided an opportunity for staff and Board of Trustee members to show their appreciation to the volunteers, school staff and guests who support the mission of CCMS. The dinner theme was Superheroes based on a quote from Maya Angelou, “I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people.” Volunteers and guests commemorated the evening with a superhero photo provided by Photomatic of Easton.
Each volunteer Character Coach also received handwritten letters of appreciation from their students and teachers. Showing appreciation is one of the character lessons that students are taught under the pillar of Caring. “Having an attitude of gratitude is a lesson that students will need to practice throughout their lives,” states CCMS Executive Director Susan Luby. “These expressions of gratitude are priceless gifts that the Coaches keep from year to year”.
Every school has a contact person that works directly with Luby and they were also recognized for being an essential part of the team. “We cannot thank these key people enough for their guidance and commitment to our programs”, says CCMS Board President Lollie Walters.
CCMS is a partner with Talbot, Caroline and Dorchester counties public school systems. Dr. Kelly Griffith of TCPS; Mr. John Ewald of CCPS and Mr. Dwayne Abt of DCPS attended the dinner celebration. Luby also recognized new partnerships with ARC of the Central Chesapeake Region and Caroline County Sheriff’s Department. “Partnerships make a huge difference as they help us to help others,” Luby added.
Eric and Victoria Milhollan were presented with the Six Pillars Century Outstanding Family Award for their continued support for the annual cycling event held each May. The Milhollans with four of their children volunteer for this fund raising event every year and were praised for their efforts throughout the community and the public schools.
Seniors from Easton and St. Michaels High Schools who served as Character Coaches this school year were treated to an Appreciation Breakfast held at the schools and sponsored by Chick-Fil-A of Easton.
CCMS is not funded by the school systems and does not receive financial support from any government entities. For more information about CCMS, please visit their website at
Photo: St. Michaels and Tilghman Elementary Schools Character Counts team have a fun moment at the CCMS Appreciation Dinner – left to right – Ann Nilsen, Guidance Counselor; Julie Ireland, teacher; Character Coach John Ireland, Joy Kinnamon, Volunteer Coordinator and Character Coach Kate Mullikin.
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