Dr. Susan Morgan wrote to her supporters yesterday to inform them that she has resigned from the Dorchester Board of Education. This is her email:
It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter.
After much thought and consultation, I have decided that I am not seeking re-election to the Board of Education. After the debacle that was on display last night at the Board of Education meeting, I don’t feel that my continued tenure on the Board would be fruitful or productive, and I will tender my resignation forthwith.
I will not engage in name calling and derogatory comments as Mr. Wheedleton, one of the (unelected members of the Board (appointed by the County Council), did last night. I encourage you to watch his statements last night on Town Hall Streams, beginning at approximately 1.42.45 into the meeting. (https://townhallstreams.com/stream.php?location_id=121&id=60877)
I wish the system well.
Susan Morgan
Tom Gerni says
It is with regret that I read of Dr. Morgan’s resignation from the board.
Dr. Thompson, in his address accepting his formal appointment as Superintendent, reminded us all not to lose focus from the primary objective of providing quality education for our children. Disagreement in any governing body is normal, and if personal and relational issues will keep us from the mission, then Dr Morgan would have been correct in not standing for re-election. As it is, her “effective immediately” resignation appears to be less than optimal, more “sour grapes” and while it is “water over the dam” we must look downstream using insight teamed with experience to move education for our children forward. This is especially critical for at-risk youth.
Prayers for the Board, Superintendent, Teachers and all staff at DCPS
Roger Sekera says
A detailed discussion of the history and issues would be very helpful; obviously,
there’s more to be told….