It might be one of the best-kept secrets in Talbot County, but there is an election set for May 7 in Easton. Perhaps this is because most of the candidates running are unopposed. In addition to Mayor Bob Willey, Incumbent Alan Silverstein in Ward 1 and incumbent Ronald Engle from Ward 3 face no challenger this time around.
But the Spy has taken a particular interest in the Ward 2 election since it will determine who will replace Pete Lesher on the Easton Town Council. Two candidates, Donald Abbatiello, and Talbot Bone, both highly respected community leaders, will face each other that day.
We asked both Tal and Don to come to the Bullitt House last week to talk about their different backgrounds, their motivation in seeking the town council seat, and their priorities if they succeed in the upcoming election.
Don Abbatiello
Talbot Bone
These videos are approximately fifteen minutes in length.
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