Today, the Spy continues its informal series on profiling candidates running for office in 2022. Over the next eight months, we will be offering long-form interviews with those running for Maryland’s Governor, MD Congressional District 1, and several local elections in Dorchester, Kent, and Talbot Counties.
As per our educational, nonpartisan mission concerning all public affairs on the Mid-Shore, we believe these in-depth conversations offer a unique alternative to the traditional three-minute sound bite or quick quote. We will be talking to each candidate about their background, qualifications, and policy priorities as well as how they differentiate themselves from others running for the same office.
We continue with Doug Gansler, Democratic candidate for Governor in the July 19 primary. Mr. Gansler is the former Attorney General of Maryland.
This video is approximately 14 minutes in length. For more information about Doug Gansler for Governor please go here.
Jim Franke says
He made a great point. A Governor needs to understand how to make government work and that understanding comes from experience. Most of the other candidates have zero experience in Annapolis sausage making. How did a recent POTUS do who had zero government experience?