The Spy continues its informal series on profiling candidates running for office in 2022. Over the next eight months, we will be offering long-form interviews with those running for Maryland’s Governor, MD Congressional District 1, and several local elections in Dorchester, Kent, and Talbot Counties.
As per our educational, nonpartisan mission concerning all public affairs on the Mid-Shore, we believe these in-depth conversations offer a unique alternative to the traditional three-minute sound bite or quick quote. We will be talking to each candidate about their background, qualifications, and policy priorities as well as how they differentiate themselves from others running for the same office and the previous Hogan administration.
We continue with Ron James who is running for Maryland House of Delegates (37B). Jones is the current mayor of Galestown, Maryland.
This video is approximately 12 minutes in length. For more information about Ron James and his campaign, please go here.
William P Beall says
Ron James is THE one candidate who’s allegiance encompasses all towns in District 37B. Ron knows best business practices and politics. When elected, there will be no big learning curve. He is well known and respected throughout the State because of his leadership in the VFW Country and State wide. Ron is a Fellow at The University of Maryland, Academy for Excellence in Local Governance. Ron is not big on “Photo-Shoots” and prefers to just make good things happen and get things done. I gotta say, the only time I see politicians of past is when they come to town to be in a parade. That’s not Ron. I am tired of hearing politicians say “well, we tried but just couldn’t get anything done.” That’s not Ron. We need a proven “can do” delegate in 37B. Run Ron Run! Don’t forget. Vote for a Vet on July 19th.